I don't have a lot of information. What I do know was that my father was Africian Americian and my mother was Caucasion. Wich to me would be something that would stand out in that time in La Cross. My father was married(not to my bm) I also know my mother was fairly yo ung when she had me(I believe 18 or 19) probably in college there. What do you know about your brother's adoption I would be courious to know.I was born July 27,1971. Pleas e mail me back
According to my birth certificate (hopefully it is correct, but what I have hear about Catholic Charities and what they did to records at the time of my adoption I have my doubts) I was born in LaCrosse, WI in 1969.
I am searchching for birthparents/family.
I have very little information since my records are hidden/sealed at Catholic Charities.
To talk or if you have any information please contact me.
I am to biracial . African American father and Caucasian mother. From what I know they were not married he was born in 1938 and she was born in 1957. Her name was Cheryl A. Cuff and there is no information about him. There was a sister that was born in 1974 from what I was also told. However alot of the information that was given was incorrect . This is information retrieved over the past 10 years. That I still do not know if it is correct.