Well, were down at least two monitors at this point Җ I havent heard from anyone else, so I assume everyone will be staying on board.
At any rate Җ I am looking for suggestions for chat monitor. Someone you think can be fair and balanced as well as respectful. Im not looking for someone who takes part in the ғConspiracy Theory stuff Ԗ or someone who routinely attacks newbies and accuses them of being trolls
Give me your feedback Ŗ well all make the decision together.
There was a suggestion by several of the monitors...a good suggestion, I think, that the next new monitor we have should be an International Adoptive Parent...or a hopeful Int. Adoptive parent. I dont believe we have a monitor who has adopted Internationally...and there are quite a few people who come into the chat on Wed. and Thurs. nights that are in the International room. It might be good to have a monitor who would understand about adopting Internationally and would be able to help out on the nights when many are in the International room. Just a suggestion...I dont have anyone in mind but its something we can all be thinking about.
Guys, how do you feel about Ocracoke?
She is an International Adoptive Parent...something you've asked for and she seems to be a regular in chat.
Ocra seems like a pretty nice person to me...I dont really know her very well though, maybe some of the others do. I also think that BZMom7 would make a great monitor...she is very "balanced", very nice to everyone, and has been coming to the chat room for a long time and knows alot of the people there. Just a suggestion...I'm having a hard time coming up with any others, but I'm keeping it in mind.
I think both BZmom and ocracoke would be great monitors. Another person that keeps coming to my mind is Kune, but not sure she would be interested
I would like to nominate Sharad! she is an adoptee, and just smart and fair to all sides of the triad. I told her I was nominating her, and she said she would do it...but she would hunt me