Does anyone have advice or any favorite sunscreens they use?? DH and I are cc, and have a beautiful aa daughter. We are wondering which type of sunscreen would be best for her skin - any advice or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!!
no difference between AA and Cauc. skin as far as sunscreens go. Probably no need to use anything higher than 40 spf. it's about what smells best, and whether you prefer the greasy stuff or not, lol.
I asked DD's pediatrician last summer (DD was 6 months old and is CC/AA) and she said not to worry about it unless we were outside all day or on the water, but then again I live in Northern Illinois. We just got back from the Caribbean (DD is now 1) and were in Florida for Thanksgiving. For both trips her pediatrician said sunscreen all the time because we were so much further South. That being said, we used Water Babies 45SPF and had no problems. We did bathe her everynight to get it all off (OK, so a couple of nights it was actually a baby wipe bath).
Thanks for all the advice. Last year, when she was an infant, I tried to keep her out of the sun as much as possible. Now that she is a 16 months, I don't think it's going to be as easy this summer :rolleyes: . We live in Arizona, so the sun is a big concern here. I guess we'll just have to up the bathing on days when sunscreen in a must!!
regardless of skin tone sunscreen is important because it blocks out the harmful rays. while a darker toned person is not susceptible to "burns" the way cc people are they should also where sunscreen when in the sun.
you should put sunscreen on your darker toned child the same you would a fair child.