Hello to you all,
I am an adoptive breastfeeding mother and a student in a masters of nursing program. I am working on a project about prospective adoptive parents knowledge of breastfeeding (BF) the adoptive infant/child.
For myself I had alot of professional knowledge about BF because of the work I do and was aware that adoptive mothers could potentially nurse their children. But I still had to source out how this was done, what protocols I needed to follow, and to find people (both professionally and personally) to support my decision to BF my son, all within days of becoming aware that I was going to become an adoptive mom (I didn't have alot of time to prepare to BF).
I am interested in learning about your experiences. How you came to learn about the possibility of breastfeeding the adoptive child and also about where you turned to support you in your decision to BF. Was your docotor or health professional knowledgeable about adoptive BF, were they supportive?
Any thoughts on this is greatly appreciated and I think will benefit other prospective adoptive parents.
I think this is cross-posted, because I answered this exact same email somewhere else yesterday.. I just cant keep these things straight.
I bf my adopted son and just weaned him at 25 months hurrah! I heard about it thru word of mouth. Doctors were literally zero help. I just visited with other adoptive moms and went to the website.
I'm just starting on my path in adoption, but until last week I had no idea it was even possible! I read it on another website and I love the idea of being able to do this!!