Originally Posted By Dorothy
Has anyone out there been adopted where your bparents didn't sign any relinquishment papers. My adoption was out of Alaska in the early 1960's. Does anyone have a similar story.
Originally Posted By Mandy
I am dealing with something that may be illegal, I relinquished a child when I was 15 yrs. I am now 23 and blocked out that day of the adoption. Very traumitzing for me, but I now have questions. I found out that my mother did not sign the papers and I was a minor. What do I do now? My daughter is going on 8 in Feb.
Originally Posted By Melissa Blasingame
My two childern are in foster care they are trying to make me sign my rights away, but I will not so sometime in Oct.of this year they are takeing my rights away from me. What can I do?
Melissa Blasingame
P.S. Can you e-mail me at
Originally Posted By Juan Carlos Campoverde
hi there... first of all, happy new year. My name is Juan Carlos Campoverde I live in New York city, i wasn't adoted, but my son was. My son's birth was kept a secret, and the mom never told me she was pregnant, after 8 months of having the child with her she decided she didn't want the baby, so she still didn't tell me about my son's existence, even though after my numerous calls, so she gave the our baby up for adotion. 13 months late after my sons existence I finally was told about it, so I tried as much as i could but I was just tossed away. honestly I am still looking for any way of meeting my son, if you have any ideas or suggestions it will be greately apreciated.. sincerelly,
a hopefull dad...
Originally Posted By Renee
My story is not exactly like yours, but my child was put up for adoption against my will and they did not require a signature from me, they just followed all of the state guidelines that is required in order for the adoption to take place. The law says if the court has your child in their system for 12 months then legally they can put the child up for adoption. The court has ways of creating the time, for example, the Judge cancels and rescheduls 3 months later, or one of the attorneys cancels and reschedules, etc., this all happened to me, I still have my other two children with me. If they get ahold of just one of your children they will keep them, even without evidence of abuse.
Originally Posted By Joann Moorer
Yes, I have a similar story about my children who were adopted, by their grandmother without my knowlege until the adoption was final.And then i heard it from my daughter.
Originally Posted By maureen
In some states and counties,any party involved in a dependancy hearing can request a Court Appointed Special Advocate to do an independant investigation.I live in Ca. and many counties offer this.Usually a judge will appoint one.I know,I am an adoptee and I also was an advocate for several years.Check it out and ASK.
Good Luck
Originally Posted By Kathy Bouton
I have a question,too. In 1949, I was adopted right out of the hospital. I found my birth mother in August, 1992, she told me at that time that my birth father(who passed away in 1961) never forgave her for giving me away. At the time they were not married. My birth mother gave me to what she thought at the time was her best friend. I do have a birth certificate with my adopted name on it, but from what I picked up on was that my birth father never signed away his rights. Is this a legal adoption? Also, I now have my birth certificate that was given to my birth mother at the maternity hospital she had me in, is this a legal document? And since I have this, can I go to vital statistics and get the registered version of this, or is it once sealed---always sealed? My email is
Originally Posted By
i thought i was adopted;but 4 years ago when i finally went to retrive my birth certificate i wasnt. unforuntaely the records are sealed. this is a long story of lies and deceit as far as i am concerned,and now this is causing alot of problems. the petition for adoption was filed but nothing never was signed. what are you doing to correct this.
I was never legally adopted eighter, just a few days ago, I found out that it was a type of black market adoption. Not the one where rich people buy a newborn. But the kind where the parent just gives the baby to someone then at a later time has the childs name legally changed. This is illegal. There are no inspections or anything. I ended up in an abusive home where a lot of the family members had verying degrees of mental problems, from mild to server. I have post traumatic stress disorder from childhood abuse.
I was never legaly adopted. It used to be a common practice for a bmom to just give her baby to someone to raise. In OH it was finily being sopped in the late 60's.
Also my bio-neice is having a perablem with child services. They are trying to have her 2 girls adopted.
First fause acusations were made by a neighbor, which were proven to be false. Then they had her sent to a psycolagist and got mad because the dc said that there was nothing wrong with my neice. So she was sent to others who said the same. They have even denied her her court ordered vistition. The foster parents want to adopt the girls. The girls will not eat any where but will their mom and are regressing. Ages 1 1/2 and 3.
What is this system comming to? My neice tells me that this happens often in Fairfield County, OH. When they don't have very many babies up for adoption.
My niece and her husband are poor and have limited education. The judge hs cought childrens services in several lies about the children and thier pwrents.
Does this help?
Rayma, I'm sorry to hear about your niece's situation. I'm posting links to websites that may offer some advice and resources for people who have had their children removed from their custody by mistake and/ or without just cause. Best wishes to you and your family. Sincerely, ~Sharon [url][/url]
You should ask to talk personally to their case worker. What is the reasoning for taking the kids? I am a foster parent. I know some kids are taken by CPS and should not be, others returned when they should not be. If you or any blood relative could take the children and parents are willing to relocate to your area that would give them time and stall things. How long have they been in foster care? The sooner you apply for a the kids the better or they will consider them bonding to the foster parents or they risk moves with in the system. Usually the have to look for a relative placement first. Please keep in mind CPS also lies to foster parents. This site lists a lot of legal forms that may help them.
Thank both of you,
My abrother and his wife were foster parents, too. So I know that they were lied to.
Now this with my bio-niece... I live in another state. She will not alow her mom to take the girls because she lives with a child molester. I fact, she refused to allow the girls around him before all of this started. My sister has told me that this dtr of hers will not bring the children to her house and that she doesn't know why. The imediate family will not help her, because she doesn't allow her mom to know all of her buisness. And her siblings are in and out of jail. The baby was 2 mos when they were taken. A permee, with a lot of heath problems.
Both girls perfer their mom even after all this time. The permee has spent a good part of her life in the hospital.
She has a friend that may be willing to take the girls, I don't know.
The accusations by a neighbor were found to be untrue. But instead of returning the girls they are fighting for the foster parents adopt the girls.
I just don't understand this. It is wrong. And they shouldn't be allowed to do this when they found nothing wrong.
I know she needs me, but I can't be there in person. So I do what I can from here.
Thanks again, Rayma