We are currently registered with Bulgaria and anxiously await word on a proposal for our little boy.
As Bulgaria is trying to enter the European Union - they have completely slowed down the number of international adoptions that are being allowed.
I was just wondering if there is anyone else (from Canada or the US) who are in the middle of a Bulgarian adoption.
Are you getting the same message/ feedback from Bulgarian officials?
Our dossier was registered in Bulgaria on August 28th, 2005.
Hi Tina. We are just starting to look at adoption and Ukraine is an option but I am also looking at Bulgaria.
I have read that they had stopped accepting dossiers and things had REALLY slowed down but that as time goes on more referrals are being given and adoptions are starting to get completed.
I am not sure if this is the country for us because we are just beginning the whole process. If you have any other info please let me know.
3 miscarriages
hoping to adopt
Hi Gillian:
We have heard many stories of agents refusing new clients for Bulgarian Adoptions.
We just received an update from our agent; telling us to expect to wait at least another year before we receive a proposal from Bulgaria.
Our dossier was registered with the Ministry of Justice (Bulgaria) at the end of August 2005.
The reason for the slow down in Bulgaria is that this country is focussing all their efforts on being accepted into the European Union.
The reasoning behind slowing down International Adoptions is very complicated - but the net of the situation is that the EU has asked Bulgaria to keep their population on an up hill climb - and encourage more families to have more children (natural or adopted).
However, this just does not work in Bulgaria - as most of the children in the orphanages will never be adopted domestically.
Our adoption agents (in Canada) are working to apply pressure to the Hague Convention - and encourage them to take action - for the sake of the children. Meanwhile, thousands of children reside in Bulgarian facilities/ orphanges - waiting for adoption.
The "red tape" of bureaucracy will keep them confined to these facilities; growing older, while loving families wait.
I wish I had better news to share with you ...but Bulgaria may be a poor option for international adoption at this time. Things may improve after the EU acceptance (in January 2007)
You may be better off to look at other countries in the mean time.
Best wishes to you and your family.