I want to know what things changed drastically with your sibling adoption?
For us, my lovely laundry/sewing room, became a home for a deep freeze and a 2nd fridge only, and shelves for the extra toilet paper, can goods, and larger appliances..
My old crockpot the small one? I laugh at it, and think it can be used only for potpouri heater!
Industrial shopping, sam's and costco membership.
and can we say laundry? hmmm,
We have picture day next week, and I always wanted to at least get the class picture for each child? at $8 a pop, that is $32, trying to put that in the budget without hubby seeing??? hmmm?
Oh my gosh, everything changed for us! Dh and I having no previous children, going from boredom to excitement! The laundry was a big adjustment..not something I was good about even before kids! But with the coming w/ only the clothes on their back, had to run to the store w/ the clothing voucher. Of course never enough to buy all the clothes needed, so for the first 2 weeks I was washing and rewashing! Now we have enough clothes to get us by haha.
Another big adjustment was fixing real food. No longer could I just pop a hot pocket in the microwave. Trying to reportionalize (my word) everything from 2 people to 5! Started buying better, healthier food, etc. DH and I have become a bit healthier since they came!
We quickly outgrew our house! While we technically have enough to foster 4, I feel like it shrank the day they came! So now I'm trying to convince DH we need a new the one down the street for sale that I LOVE!
I love it though! I can't imagine doing it one at a time now! I hope they can stay forever!
Had to buy a SUV, as even the mini van was too small. Kids fit okay, but all the "Stuff" did not.
I do at least 2 loads of laundry a day just to maintain (I've given up on being current or ahead), and I clean the main bathroom every day. (3 boys with bad aim, you figure it out) ;)
I have 2 shoe racks hanging in the laundry room because if I step on one more shoe, find another shoe under the bed, behind a door, in the bathtub, outside, or just plain LOST, I swear their college funds are going to be gone by next year! :eek:
Sam's Club is a must for us, although I do shop at the store for the always running out of milk, and small items. Have a 2nd freezer in the garage but no room for a 2nd fridge. Think thatll change though because that milk just keeps disappearing.
We have 4 times the games, toys, junk, i.e. MESS everywhere in the house. They can't remember who spilled juice or left the water running in the sink, but can remember which identical McD's evil toy is their own.
Scheduling activities for 6 people is not easy and sometimes despite my best planning or intentions, I forget or double schedule things. I have 3 in scouts so the fundraising activities drive me absolutely bonkers and I think my neighbors hide from us now when they see my kids with a piece of paper.
I have to say the SAME exact thing 4 times in a row because apparently if it's not told specifically to them, they don't think it applies to them. It can be as simple as "Time for jammies!" but they don't hear that. They do hear "Time for dinner" and all come running. :grr:
I do line ups when out in busy places and need them to stick close but can't hold 4 hands at once. Picture Mama Duck and ducklings behind her and you have me. I also do head counts before driving off anywhere. I better have 4 heads and havenҒt lost one yet, but once I had 5 heads. Stray duckling
We rotate everything. From who sits where in the car, at the table, to whose turn it is to be first in line at the bus stop. They, of course, remember their turn with no problem, but seem to forget whose turn it is to feed the dog, clear the table and evidently "Not Me" ends up with a lot of these chores.
We don't go to movies much, because spending over $50 for 2 hours of "I have to go to the bathroom" and never at the same time as anyone else proved to be too much "entertainment" for me.
We do have movie nights at home (LOVE Netflix!) every Friday though. Nothing beats watching a movie on the couch with 4 kids snuggled under a blanket beside you.
My pantry doors are covered with artwork and lots of stickies that say, œI love you, Mom! I get 4 times the hugs and kisses, and some that are sticky, but thatԒs okay. We have a lot of fun and silly moments. Enough people to have a family talent or music show and its far better entertainment than the current Hollywood movie. :D :grouphug:
I am in the process of adopting siblings, 2 girls ages 9 & 11. I am a single and now a single mom. They have not fully transitioned here as we are still in the visitation stage.
I have to laugh when I read these responses. I know this in theory, but it tires me out to read. My life will change drastically. My spare rooms are now bedrooms. My partially finished attic room will become a playroom. I HATE going to the grocery store and now that will be a regular chore. I HATE going shopping, also a regular chore.
No longer can I stay out at my friend's houses till 1AM in the morning playing games. I cannot, for my own sanity, stay up all hours of the night and sleep in in the morning. My life will become scheduled and interesting to be sure. There will be just as many or more adjustments for me as the girls. They are used to being kids and having a "mom." I am not used to being a mom or having anyone else to worry about but my dogs. My life is fixing to be unrecognizable and I am tremendously excited!!!
The homework, therapy appointments and extra curriculars are constant. The grocery bill is huge. So is the laundry pile :) I never go to the store without at least 2 children in tow or to the bathroom without someone popping in unexpectedly. Showers that are not rushed are a thing of the past and so is sleeping in on a Saturday.
Life has a way of surprising you and I wouldn't change anything about my days. Even as busy as they are. Heck we have even chatted about adding more :) Only time will tell....
My hubby and I are hoping to get a sibling group once our homestudy is completed/approved. You ladies are making me laugh and making us so excited! I am pretty sure we are going to have the "from boredom to excitement" effect as well. =D
the 8 passenger vehicle i got so that the kids could "spread out" is now near capacity.
i bought a triple capacity washer, and still do two loads a day minimum.
we eat a loaf of bread a day.
Hi- I am a mom of 3 10, 6 and 4 who has just begun the journey into sibling adoption through CPS. We have picked the agency and now are about to start the classes in November SO EXCITING!!! :) We are thinking of a sibling group of 2 or 3 (though 3 would mean definitely a suburban!) and ages 8 and under. It is nice to find this forum to have other people who are on this journey as well:) Blessings!:o
The biggest change we had to make was getting a new car. We went from 0 to 6 and we couldn't even fit in an 8 seater mini van because it wasn't wide enough for 6 carseats. So we got a Suburban.