:clap: Well my ladies it has happend I Loveccl finally got that long awaited pic of my little boy. It could not have come at a more perfect I am about to tackle his 12th B-day and my class reunion in the same week. With the encouragement of everyone here about 6 months ago I agreed to go...So be ready for some big hugs if it doesn't turn out...I know I'm a stranger to many of you and you have no idea my story...but you oldies like me..know me and know that a pic for me is a miracle and one that made me cry tears and all. He is beautiful and looks exactly like me his mommy...I had the strangest dream last saturday night and felt I needed to email the one contact I have his adoptive aunt...I told her that some how I came away from the dream knowing that his universe was out of wack. She then emailed me and said I was right and she knew that we had this connection. She told me that the adoptive couple who have been split for yrs were again fighting over custody and the amom just had hip surgery and that not to worry she was taking my boy to an amusement park for his B-day. It was so awesome to know that I was still connected to my son. Yes, it totally sucks that his life has been hell and not the stable happy home I wanted him to have. I know what he looks like and for now there are no more faceless better all be pulling for me to get through next week...I would be pulling for you...I have walked and shopped both tell I dropped and my one worry to keep my mind off the big stuff is that I grew up in a very small town and there is still no Starbucks...No Grande Americano for me...the people there just tried the chai tea...and I really doubt they know that milk doesn't just come from thier cows. (soy milk) My boss is betting I come back with a farmer wearing a eek...Husky hat...sorry Coug fan forever...everyone wants to know about the "Flannel Diaries"
I love you all even those I have never talked to because we are such wonderful strong takes a lot to wear our badge and I wear it proudly...I am currently a birthmother, niece to an adopted uncle, sister to an adopted brother, foster kid and now a proud foster many titles and still I'm sometimes just Loveccl...Darcy
Love and hugs,
I'm one of those who doesn't know your story... yet. But I do know that we will be pulling for you. I recently had the experience of preaching in the church where I grew up... many of them were people who knew me well. (At least some of them did) Remember, you are the person you are now... not the teenager living in that small town.
Well it was crazy...I achieved what I wanted... you know being that chic that all the guys wanted. I have to give my little pink halter a little credit. I got the attention of that guy you know that one who was so beautiful that 5 grades up or down everyone knew him. Yes...he wanted me...the chic that everyone remembers pregnant. Actually everyone was cool. They really are not high fashion. I went the Saturday night in a cute little black dress and everyone else wore jeans shorts and tanks...I quickly changed. It was exhausting and long and I doubt I go back anytime soon. Its just too far out of the least it gave me a reason to loose those extra lbs. My kitten disapeared the weekend I was gone and so I went through a lot of heart break because she was my baby. I have stayed in contact with a few people since the reunion. Nice to stay connected with people. So thats it I guess I'll say not great, but I made it through it. Sorry I'm not more inspired to write more.:banana: LOve ya with big hug, Loveccl AKA DarcyBirthmother, Foster Mother,
Darcy, I'm glad you survived (and sorry your kitten disappeared.) It's fun to go back and let them see you in a different way...I've been overweight most of my life. I went back at my 10 year reunion at the slimmest I've ever been (5'1", 105 lbs.) wearing a killer dress. That was fun. Other than that, you can't really go back. I don't know about you... I haven't kept in touch with my high school classmates very much so the only memories we have in common ended when we were 17. BTW, did you bring your boss the hat he predicted you'd be wearing?