Question about subsidies.
We are looking to take a specific 13 yo into our home. The process has just begun (yeah!) - our intent is to adopt after the 6mths of him staying in our home as a foster child. TPR has not been done yet bt I've been told this will go thru quickly(although, not sure anything goes thru quickly!) because his first adoptive parents are willing to go thru that process. Reason it hasn't been done yet is becuase judge wanted M to have an adoptive resource family available.
My question is - will we get the foster care subsidy first and then it change to the adoption one. I've read that could be less that what you receive for foster care.
I need to bring this up to the CW we are currently working with but I hate the money talk conversations.
The first initial CW told us that we would get an adoption subsidy for him - never said an amount or anything more. Then she transferred.
I know M will qualify for one - his age, he's a minority and he's on meds for depression, ADD and has attachment disorder.
I guess I'm just wondering if we will get the foster care pay or get nothing until we adopt. And thoughts?
Thanks - I rec'd the answers from the CW yesterday. We will receive the subsidy for fosterparenting at first and then once the adoption goes thru - we will get the adoption rate.
We haven't been certified yet for anything. I filled out the application - the CW is coming out to the house Wed for the safety check and first interview with just myself. Then the following week she will come out in the evening to talk with all of us.
So excited!