I am a Birthmother in Maryland. If most birthmother's felt anything like I did on Sunday, you didn't have the best of days. We need to remember that regardless of anyone's opinions, we did what we had to do in the best interest of our birthchildren. We carry the burden of the pain and the guilt. When you're younger, as I was, in a situation where it's impossible to make any other decision for your child, you have no idea how your decision will come back to haunt you as you get older. It's hard for other people to understand that you couldn't fully realize back then just how you would feel as you got older and the full impact of what we did would hit you out of the blue. Please always remember that you're Angels in disguise dispite the own private hell you now live in. You unselfishly gave a child a chance at a better life as well as giving others hope for a family where there was no hope. You deserve praise and respect, more than what you get. God Bless you All!!! :wings: