I guess I could say I'm still fairly new here, but I found this lifesaving forum back in January of this year when I began looking for my bdaughter. It's wonderful to be able to say that I have found her. :cheer: I have posted several times since then and have read two to three times that many. This place is an addiction for me, I look forward to coming here and reading the posts both new and old every day. I have learned much from all sides of the triad. I have found quite an assortment of useful advice that I can put into my "hopeful" reunion with my daughter whom I just found. It does seem though that alot of my fears have been confirmed in some of the threads and posts that I've seen by adoptees. I have seen quite a bit of frustration and I believe maybe some hostility or anger there. Of course there have also been the ones that lead me to believe that I do stand at least a thread of a chance at having a relationship with my daughter. Basically all I'm saying is, for those out there with hostility or frustration or dare I say anger, towards your bparents, I wish you some happiness too. :grouphug: I truly hope and pray that my bdaughter does not feel those feelings toward me. I have taken your posts into consideration and intend to do everything in my power not to be "needy,pushy or to smother" her in any way. I will give her all the "space" that she needs. As for those of you who have had nothing but praise for your reunions and contact with your bparents, you give me hope.:D In any case, thank you all in some way shape or form for giving me some of the tools I need to hopefully make my first contact with my daughter as positive as it can be.
God Bless you all! :wings: :thankyou:
Hi Katlyn,
I am so excited for you! I always wished with all of my heart to give my bmom a hug. But she passed away 4 years before I found out who she was. So that will never happen for me.
I never had any anger toward my bmom for placing me for adoption. It never entered my mind to be angry at her for something I felt she did out of love.
When I searched for her the first time she refused contact with me. Yes, it hurt like hell and it took me a long time to get over it and there was some anger then. But after I found my bfamily I realized her reasons and the anger disappeared.
Give your bdaughter a huge hug. I am so excited for you both.
When I saw my daughter for the first time (I can't write this without crying) I ran to her and took her in my arms. I pray that wasn't too much for her, but I wouldn't have been able to stop myself for anything in the world. I think that we crushed the flowers that I had bought for her.
Can't see to write anymore.
Hugs to (((Snuffie & Katlyn))),