Even though I don't seem to make much, I still consider this a success. I pump mostly 10ml at a time (once hit 20 ml). I've seen a spray from one duct on one side a few times! His poops are mostly seedy and loose (last couple of days more a formula poop).
I either BF w/out aid and finish with a bottle (of either formula or pumped milk) or start with a bottle and finish with breast. He also likes to comfort nurse which I am very happy to do. And makes me feel the most like a success as BFing has helped create a tight bond between us.
I plan to start using the lact-aid today - A huge PITA, if you ask me, but I may change my mind if it helps increase my supply.
I have also BFed and used a finger syringe to get him sucking really hard. That's a two person job to get it right. It's like a poor man's lact-aid.
Overall, I'd say it's been an amazing experience.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Even if yo never produced milk and your babe only did comfort nursing you are a sucess in bonding!!!!! Keep up trying. I wish Drihan hadn't weaned at 9 mo. I miss it. But she still sometimes will latch on just for a suck or two.