Hi, I was just wondering about this. Each time our daughter gets a scratch or scrape on knee from falling down or anywhere it is bad about scarring? I use that Mcderma I think it is called but it still scars some. What about any other kids?? Is it their skin tone??
Thanks, Susan
yep, Susan. Parker scars easily. Right after he came home Josie scratched him, but not all that hard. He has a scar from that under his eye. On Spring Break he fell in Florida and that is still scarred. I think it is their skin tone.
(Hey Steph!)
Jacob looks like he is missing all sorts of skin on his legs! Anytime he gets a scrape, it takes forever for that skin to be brown again. (does that make sense?) He has all these white spots all over from where he has scraped off the top layer of skin. It seems like from year to year, those spots go away and new brown skin covers those spots eventually.
Yes, same is true for my daughter. Even mosquito bites take a very long time to disappear completely.
Same here, our daughter got a bad scrape on her belly not long after coming home, and it seems it took over a year to fade completely. I'm glad to know it seems to be pretty common!
I have no idea about Guatemalan babies as we are still in the paperchase, but I thought I would add that I scar VERY easily. I scratched my arm with a long fingernail once years ago and still have a scar. And, I am white as can be! Maybe some people are more likely to scar?
Same here... ( Thanks so much for asking this questions) DD scratched up her knees real bad and she has white dots where the scabs were. She also seems to be a slow healer??? I had planned to ask Ped Dr about it @ next appt.
My daughter hasn't gotten any scars yet (the way she is climbing things, she's going to have one soon!) but, she definitely is susceptible to hyperpigmentation. She still has a mark on her ankle where a sock was too November!
dd born 4/08/05
home 10/05/05
Yes we just had a few mosquite bites and they swell and are awful.. she gets huge bumps and then scratches skin off.. They take forever to heal and you can still see marks.