Hi. We are going to finalize the adoption of our son in Oct. The social worker who did our homestudy keeps insisting that there is a subsidy available to us because he was born drug exposed. She says to just ask our lawyer, but she doesn't know either. I just assumed that since this was a private adoption that there was no subsidy. Who is right??
Thanks for any help.
bs, 9
as, 4 months
Geesh - I have never heard of a subsidy in private adoption.
Certainly the child may qualify for head start, early intervention and such - but I have never heard of a subsidy in such a case
Perhaps they are truly speaking of SSI? I've never heard of private adoption subsidy but I'd apply for SSI immediately.
I know this is a little late but what state are you from? In ohio there is a program for any adoptive child that has finalized is is called they Post Adoptive Special Services Subsidy. It allows an amount of $10,000.00 per year to be used for an array of services not covered by medicaid or insurance. A lot of families who adopt privately or internationally use this program. If you are not from ohio I would check with your state adoption section that administers adoption programs. Chldren a eligible to use this program until age 18 and must apply each fiscal year.
Have a great day!