We have not done this in a looooooooooooooooong time....
So time for you lurkers to come out...and for everyone else to pop in and say hello-
who are you? Where are you from? Where are you in the process?? and how is it going??? and anything else you want to share.....
I am Karen - DH and are are in our mid 30's, we live north of Boston with our 2 dogs and our lovely daughter Aisling - who is now 2 1/2 and has been with us for 18 months.... :cheer: We had a bit of a bumpy transition and some health problems last year (something she developed here). Adopting her is one of the best things we've ever done!!! This site was a great help during and after the process.
Hoping to start the process again in the fall.
Looking forward to reading everyone else's posts!
We are new here. We are from Texas and working on our 2nd adoption.
For any guys out there who are going along with this adoption stuff to please their wife......I was one of you 5 years ago, but you will find as I have that being a parent is truly one of life's joys, and thinking how close I came to missing out on all this (never wanted to have children until we adopted at age 40) gives me chills.
Going to Polina's baby home last month made me realize yet again how important this mission is. We save the lives of deserving children, and they save ours.
God bless all of you for the difference you are making in the lives of these children.
We live in Houston, Texas with our one-year-old daughter, Simone, who came home from Moscow Region on May 17, 2006, and her best friend, Zoe, a blue heeler mix who has quickly learned that baby = dropped food! Our process was approximately 18 months -- we got caught up in the reaccreditation mess of 2005...
Simone just had her follow-up with the IA doctor we worked with here in Houston, and her growth on all of the charts is almost a straight line up! In a little over five weeks, she has jumped from near the bottom to the middle curves. She's an amazing child in every way!
We are Janie and Ed and we live outside Princeton NJ with our ds Alex. Yesterday (July 14th) It was 2 years since our adoption was granted in St. Petersburg. Alex will be 3 at the end of Sept. and he is growing like a weed -- he talks up a storm, is pretty close to be potty trained, knows his colours, abc's, can count to 17, and loves to sing songs. We are proud of him :D
Some of my best friends IRL are a result of this forum. I can't imagine not having the group of NJers around as my friends. Reach out and connect in real life to others on this board... it is so rewarding.
Karen H, I am in Central Ohio.
I am mom to A, from St Petersburg - adopted 12/01 at 7 months, now 5 years old and looking forward to Kindergarten; and W from Tula, adopted 4/06 at 3 yo, still 3 yo, and doing well in day care!
I'm Cindy 28 and dh Bryan is 31. We live in South Jersey. We have one bio daughter 8yrs old and we just brought home our son also age 8 from the Moscow region. He's been home almost 3 months. Things have been rough but we're taking it day by day.
How cool! My full given name is Polina also. It is amazing to meet another Polina's parents. Do you plan on keeping your daughter's name?
I'm Sandy, from the Chicago area. My husband and I brought home our daughter Katherine on 12/30 from Kaluga - she's been home just about 7 months now. She's 22 months old and doing great!
Since there are a bunch of newer posters I thought I would bump this again.
So time for you lurkers to come out...and for everyone else to pop in and say hello-
who are you? Where are you from? Where are you in the process?? and how is it going??? and anything else you want to share.....
for anyone else that posted to this before - what's your latest update (referrals, travels - children home!)
We were hoping to start the process again but unfortunately aren't able to - I just quit my way stressful job and so we have to figure out the $$$$...
We are Todd & Carrie and are from Golden, CO (near Denver). This is our first adoption, we started out in Kazakhstan over 1.5 years ago......have since given up on that are are hoping to travel to Russia soon for our two little ones (boy/girl both under 3 years).......
This has been a bumpy ride and I don't think its over yet, but will be SOOOO worth it when we bring our kiddos home!!!:woohoo:
We are Becky and Keith and our bio DD Rachel, Lois and Hannah. Dossier to agency 11/04. Registered 7/05. Referral 1/06. First trip 2/06. Home with Julia, age 6, from St. Pete - 5/06.
Yes, a bumpy ride - but also, yes, worth it.
[url=]The Woodworth Family in Beautiful San Antonio TX[/url]
Hi. My name is Christi (39) and my DH (42) and I have been married for 3 years (first marriage for me, second for him). I have a 7 year old step daughter who lives with us 3 - 4 days per week. We have been on the wait list since June '06 for two children, one under 18 months (a boy) and a toddler up to age 3 (either gender). We live in Mechanicsville, Va (just outside of Richmond). We have lost two little boys in the last 2 years during the 2nd trimester. We are praying we are able to get a referral before the end of the year. Thank everyone for all the stories and advice. It is the only thing (other than my faith) keeping me going!
I am Paulette, single mom 48 yrs old. Home with Laina in Dec -05. She is now 21 months doing great, very healthy. My prayers and thoughts for all of you in process. Its a tough time but quickly forgotten once you get them home!
I lost my Mom 3 weeks ago. She adored Laina and luckily got to spend quite a bit of time with her. Still its very sad Laina will never remember her only grandma who loved her so. Laina went right up to the casket at the funeral and said hi and blew her a kiss. It melted my heart.
Hey all :) My name is Cindy and I'm in Madison WI. I've just started the process and am looking at different agencies. I'm 30 years old and single but feel that this is the right choice for me. I'm waiting for back surgery later this year and once I am healthy enough to hold/lift a child (will be next spring/summer), I'm going to start the process. I'm very excited and read this forum every day !! :D :D
Right now (and this could all change), I'm focusing on Russia and would prefer to adopt a daughter under 18 months.
Hey! I'm Victoria. DH, DD, adopted in Alexandrov almost 9 years ago,and I live in Georgia with kitty Dymka Padooshka ("smoky pillow" in Russian) and dog Burbank.
I'm Jamie. My husband and I live in Baltimore, MD, with our son Daniel, who we brought home from the Karelia region in Dec 05 at 12 months. He's now 21 months and is our joy. His only medical issue so far has been giardia (treated) and still what seems to be slightly overactive intestines. He's growing beautifully and is a happy, social boy!
This board was very helpful to us during our adoption process and continues to be.
We originally wanted to adopt two at once, but didn't. We talk wistfully about getting a sibling for our son, but don't know if we could go through the process again, now that it is so complicated. I'd only consider adopting a child older than our son, since we're 46 and 51, but my husband says he'd have to really think about that. We'll see...