We live in MD. We are currently working on adopting a baby girl. We want to work with a facilitator. (We have been with an agency for over 3 years with no match).
The problem is that MD won't recognize an adoption when the match is made by a faciltator. The attorney for the agency that did our home study told us that we can still use a facilitator if we find a state that will recognize facilitators and allow us to finalize in their state.
The problem is that there don't seem to be many states that recognize facilitated adoptions and even those that are ok with it, many of them do not allow you to pay the facilitaor.
Have any of you who reside in MD had to deal with this before and if so how?
we netowrked with facilitators/agencies all over and tried for private/independat adoption all at the same time. the deal with the facilitators is that if you finalize in MD you cannot use them or must go thru an agency as well.. lots of costs there..
feel free to PM me if you want to chat more about your options.