I was born a LONG time ago...(more than half a century does seem like a long time some how) to a young married couple who had been married 11 months. They hadn't planned to have children for 2 years. (My sister was born 13 months after me -- before their second anniversary.)
My dad was a graduate student when I was born and a medical student when my sister was born. My parents were living on borrowed money. My mother used to tell me, "We loved you, but we didn't want you."
Fast forward...I grew up and went to college myself. In my junior year I had a sexual relationship with a friend that ended in my getting pregnant. (Mostly because I kept telling myself I was going to say no the next time and so didn't put myself on birth control.) The month (Jan 1972) I got pregnant I was avoiding my room because my roommate was having a rough time (and thus difficult to spend time with) because her boyfriend had flunked out. It didn't help when he came back and spent the weekend with another girl! Most of the time I was with J, I listened to him talk about how he was going to propose to E when she got back to campus (she was studying abroad). Needless to say, I didn't tell him I was pregnant. (Of course, I didn't even admit it to myself for a LONG time. Denial is a wonderful thing.)
After the spring term I went home and worked in the hospital kitchen like always. Mom noticed I wasn't having a period and tackled me about it at the end of July or beginning of August. (I had already paid the tuition bill for the fall term.) It wasn't too hard to hide because I had lost about 40 pounds the year before I got pregnant and it just seemed I was gaining back the weight. When I admitted that I was pregnant my parents (though disappointed) asked me where I wanted to have the baby and Dad set up the doctor's appointment. We talked with my advisor at school and with one of the counselors to make sure I could stay in school. I had to tell each of my profs and make sure it was ok that I would miss about 2 weeks of classes. (I went to the hospital with a suitcase of clothes and books.)
It was actually rather funny -- the school counselor sort-of rubbed his hands together and said, ah, a test case! It seems I was the first to get pregnant and not either drop out of school or have an abortion. My mother commented that it wasn't a fair test since when I made up my mind I was going to do something I did it.
So, I started the fall term. I went to classes (avoiding contact with most people). I shared an apartment with a married couple my senior year so had lots of opportunity to avoid groups of people (dining hall, etc.) It was like there was a conspiracy of silence about my pregnancy. I went to my doctor appointments and got a crash course on labor and delivery. (I actually found it rather amusing - it was like, "the topic for today is...") They set me up with the agency for adoption. I had "counseling" from the sw (She wanted to know what my parents thought about the pregnancy and adoption. I thought she should ask them!) My mother offered to keep the baby until I graduated and got a job - my Dad thought adoption was a better plan. As I wrote in one of my postings recently, either way the baby wouldn't have been mine. If I'd kept him Mom would have taken him over and even if I eventually had custody of him I would have had her trying to take over all the time.
I chose adoption because a) I didn't want my mom to raise him; b) I knew I couldn't raise him without saying something similar to my mom's "I loved you but didn't want you" (and knowing that Mom came close to emotional and physical abuse when she was stressed and being afraid I'd do the same); c) I believed that every child deserves to be wanted and to have two parents. If I'm brutally honest, feelings of shame and a desire to put the whole thing behind me and get on with my life (yeah, right!) also played into it. (As I keep writing in the various threads... I made what I felt was the best decision at the time, and now I trust God's grace to live with it.) I can not honestly say I was forced into adoption. I was convinced that it was the best answer at the time.
My husband John and I were dating when I gave birth. My parents had dinner with his parents to make sure they were aware of the whole situation. (Aargh!) If fact, he drove me from my apartment to my parent's home when I went into labor (the day after the doctor told me it would be at least 2 more weeks). It always amused me when people asked if John knew -- he stayed at my home till I went into the hospital and I was throwing up most of the time. Mother would not let John go along to the hospital or come see me because of "what people would say."
At the hospital I asked only for medication to stop me from throwing up. Of course, being the early 70's, they basically knocked me out for the actual birth. My instructions when I lost consciousness were to push; so when I came to, I thought I was still pushing. I got yelled at by the doctor who was trying to sew me up. David weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. He was born on my 21st birthday. He had already been removed from the delivery room when I regained consciousness.
I was in a semi-private room. My roommate had given birth to a 9 pound baby who was brought in to her at regular intervals. She of course had lots of company. I tried to do schoolwork! My mother and I walked down to see the baby in the nursery one night. (Dad disapproved - he thought we (I) would get too attached.) I knew before I left the hospital that David would be going to a couple in their late 20's. The husband was a "mainline" pastor and the wife was a social worker (let's talk about social workers sometime!). I assumed that he would go immediately and didn't understand that they would not get him until after I signed the final papers. (He was born the 4th, they got him the 31st.)
I insisted on seeing him before I signed the final papers. (Panic in the ranks!) It was the only time I held him. I got to feed him. He fell asleep in my arms. The girl friend who went with me commented he looked just like George (her husband) when he was asleep. Boy did that get a funny look from the social worker! (George not being the name on the birth certificate.) LOL
I signed the papers, went back to school, and "got on with my life." I graduated from college and John and I got married the summer after graduation. My husband got a job teaching and we moved 75 miles from the town where I grew up.
Congratulations! May you have smooth sailing (in the air and through the whole adoption process!)
wow what a life story, very similar to mine. Ive only read the first part to your story and looking forward to the rest. My son was taken from me as well and like reading stories of male adoptees.
until nest time.
HI there, i love your reunion story. Mine started similarly. i have had to stop the reunion with arents becuse im finding it very hard to see others have my son when i should have had him . May be im not mature enough to handle them but they have also been manipulatibr and abusive to me. IM hoping my osn who will be 23 in jan 2009 want to keep contact with me. Heres hoping. Gives me courage when hearing your story.
Yes, I totaly agree. That is what brought me to read her post's I have a good asumption by who people are by there post's and she is a very gentle loving person with a big heart :)
I forgot to post this some people wanted me to post this cause they could not find the thread I made about the phone conversation I had with the first contact
Here it is in case you wanted to see it :)
what yu say is true ? by reading post itself we can find if a person is helpful .
thankyou for replying to me my story is quite a long one but to put it short my grandson is being put up for adoption by social services me and my daughter who matthew is her first child was opposing it we had been going to court for over a year but we lost on the 30th of september this year my daughter susan has learning difficulties and they have used that against her from the start can i ask where you are from
I just realized it has been five years since my last real posting. My reunion continues, but life has changed in many ways.
D has another son. A was born 14 months after his brother Z. He was also premature and unfortunately had a little time in the NICU. This time the doctors wanted limited contact with him because of his prematurity, so I didn't get to see him for several weeks and didn't get to hold him for several more. (It felt like "everyone" got to hold him before me.):( At the same time I was able to visit and watch the children several times so they could do needed errands, etc.
My daughter had bought a house in York, PA, about 30 minutes from D. Then she and her fiance, AJ's Dad, broke up. After a year or so she began to date her brother J's business partner and eventually moved to NJ. She and T became engaged and eventually broke up. (Something tells me I'll never be the mother of the bride.) She and her son AJ now live about a mile from brother J and he is in 2nd grade.
J met G who has 3 sons and was widowed at age 25. They had M who will be 2 this February and are expecting his little brother C very soon. G has become very good friend with D's wife J. (Sometimes I hear what's happening with son J & G through D.)
In 2008 D asked me to baptize the three small children. His adad had refused to do so because they didn't go to worship regularly... I respect his dad's position, mine is that if they want to bring the children for baptism, who am I to say no since I view baptism as God's action not ours. And so I had the privilege and the congregation I served had the pleasure of inviting God into the lives of these little ones.
My current profile pic is of my grandchildren (steps, etc) it was taken in D's kitchen when G was pregnant with M. One of these days I need to get an updated pic... it has become more of a problem though.
My dad died of heart disease on October 5, 2009 (the day after D and I observed our 5th birthday in reunion.) D and his wife came to the funeral and actually met much of my extended family (or at least they got to see him.) My "baby" brother looked at me and said, "Well, you could never deny him!" There wasn't much time for conversation, of course, but it was a start. I keep hoping that some year they will be able to bring their whole family to the Poconos when my family (siblings and families) gather there in July.
In 2010 D moved his family to Tennessee. It means that our times together are much more limited. I have visited there twice since they moved. They had planned to renew their wedding vows on their 5th anniversary but didn't because they moved. They chose to renew their vows on their sixth anniversary instead. They asked me to officiate. It was a nice celebration. D commented to those present that the nice thing was that the group who gathered had not been at their wedding. His aparents and her mom did not come. The man I had met as her dad was actually the step-dad who raised her. She has renewed her contact with her biological father and his wife which has been a good thing for her (and their kids). While not all the grandkids were there; both the other kids were there. J had his youngest and oldest sons there and S brought AJ. AJ and I remain good friends. In fact for several years I said my name according to I was "Where's AJ" which is how I was greeted when I walked in.
The most recent news from D is that they will be moving to Colorado for his work... My in-laws live in Denver so maybe we can combine visits. The problem is that I send DH there alone because that way he can go more often. His Dad is 94 and in failing health, his mom is 88 and no longer recognizes even her family.
Our communication continues to be mostly through text message and Facebook. We talk by phone occasionally. The relationship continues to be solid even if we don't "live in each other's pocket." I'm still blessed that I get to see him raise his children and watch them grow.
Who knows what the next chapter will bring?
Mud - it's hard to follow being a newbie, but D is Kathy's bson and she has been in reunion with him for a long time.:)
If you are talking to me, I have now been in reunion with my bson (who will be 40 this year) for over 6 years.
I've followed your posts on the forums. They're always so caring and kind. However; I've never read your story until now. Wow. What an amazing story. I couldn't be happier for you or D. You've handled this journey in such a graceful way. You are certainly an inspiration!
I'm thrilled you've got such a good relationship with D. You deserve it.
Unfortunately, I don't get to see them often since they are in Colorado. D's wife (I jokingly tell her I am her mother-OUT-law!) posts lots of pics on Facebook as well as always sending me school pics, etc. so I'm enjoying watching the grandkids grow up.
Unfortunately, I don't get to see them often since they are in Colorado. D's wife (I jokingly tell her I am her mother-OUT-law!) posts lots of pics on Facebook as well as always sending me school pics, etc. so I'm enjoying watching the grandkids grow up.
I wish I could update the pic I use... it's several years old and not only have the kids all grown (the oldest is now 20) but there are several more boys. The princess continues to reign supreme as the only girl!)