Hi, just an up date,,,found my daughter. So so happy.
To happy to sit at this desk..I'll be back some time soon to finish this..
Thank you all who have helped me....
Thank you for your kind words,,,I am so happy..She looks just like me, and i love her so much...
Thank you, Cravalynn...:p
Hey , just wanted to say real fast this morning, i' gotta run soon, so let me tell you..We are talking and she is so great! Sharon (my 2nd daughter) And her are talking.
Sharon is just so thrilled..Molly is such a delite to talk with..Funny witty, SMART, kind , sweet..Well i'm certain you all get the just of where i'm going with this:banana:
Just wanted to update this forum real fast..
Hey i hope you all have a good day..