I am in hopes to find some friends, that are also have choosen adoption for there baby and maybe we can talk, I am alone and I need some friends.
I located her on
I do not want to Bond with the baby. There is a HUGE reason why also.
I want to deliver and say love ya....Bye
Very Good Point Bromanchic - while thinking about my posts I realized I forgot to mention this very important point- Upcommingmom is ALREADY bonded (as moms do :) ) and that is why she is so concerned for her baby- she shows concern out of shear love!!! What she doesn;t yet realize though, is that it is greatest love to give her baby the mother that her baby is also already bonded to in Utero, that is, HER!! The very wman who put her on the planet - there is no greater love than this!!! :)
Not ALL moms feel that bond, sad , but true, and I personally found that it was because if the Great love I had for my bchild that I gave him his parents;)
Hi upcomingmom, it's good to hear how you're doing. After I got notice of your new post I read through the whole thread again. I did not see my son immediately after delivery. (In those days, they believed the less time you spent with the baby you were placing, the better.) My mother and I walked to the nursery and saw him the next day. I only held him once and that was the day I signed the final papers. (I refused to sign the papers unless I got to hold him.) If I had it to do over, I would have spent more time with him. I did not place him because I didn't love him, but because I felt it was the best thing I could do for him. I have never changed my mind. Even believing that I made the right decision, it has not been easy. You do not simply walk away and forget! If you don't deal with the pain and grief at the time it will come back to bite you!
Upcoming - Hello. I'm sure you'll bet tons of support from these great birthmothers/firstmothers on this board. I know you have a lot to think about right now, but something about your post made me think about you being able to hold and bond with your baby girl after you give birth to her. I am an adoptive mom in a semi-open relationship with our son's birthmom. I've never gotten to talk to or meet her, which makes me very sad. I don't even know if or how much she was able to see and be with her son in the hospital. I'd like to think she held him as much as possible, and had the time alone with him to tell him how much she loved him and why she chose us to be his parents. I wish I knew what his first 48 hours were like before he came to us, just so I could tell him some day.One day, your child might have questions about her birth. I can imagine that if you or her adoptive parents (if you decide to place) could tell her that you had some time with her and held her and got to see her, she would really be grateful for that. The thought of my son not being able to do that with his birthmom makes my heart ache. So I will continue to hope and believe that she had at least a few precious hours alone with him first so that she won't regret later on not taking that time. I don't to assume you would regret it later on, but I do hope you'll really consider having some time to bond with her in the hospital. Even if you do place her for adoption, she will always be your daughter. Good luck! I'll pray for you for peace and comfort throughout all this.
:rockband: :thanks: How ever I feel as I the decision for me that I have made is great. I DO NOT EVEN want to be pregnant any more so I THINK I am being really decent by staying this way I am FAT and MISERABLE and I want this over with!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could really use some help, I do want to have a little thing in the chapel for the Amom, Can some one give me some pointers and help me there please?