I'm filipina 29 years old and my husband is American living in the Philippines. I want to adopt my half sister. My mother already has 11 children and she doesn't want to raise this one, so my question is CAN I ADOPT MY 9 month old HALF SISTER?
btw my mom and her husband is willing to let me adopt my sister. but i want to do it legally.
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Are you living in the Philippines? Does your mother and the child live there?
Your location will have a lot to do with what you can and can't legally do.
I know in the US, that would be doable. It would just require you to go through the adoption process, as well as your mother and the child's father to give up their parental rights.
Your best bet in this situation would be to find an adoption lawyer who can walk you through the adoption process. But from what you've said here, I see no reason why you wouldn't be able to adopt. Good luck!