Just wondering how everyone approached making their profile - stylewise as opposed to contentwise.
Our agency gave us an example of one but it was very basic, just pictures with captions taped to paper and then photocopied. Just wondering if anyone used a software program for theirs, or what is the norm basically?
I used pictures and captions, scrapbook style. We already had one child, 8 at the time, so "wrote" the scrapbook from his perspective. ie My mom and dad, My grandma, etc
I didn't have a digital camera back then. If I were to do it now, I would use a digital scrapbooking program.
I made a scrapbook "the old-fashioned way" with pictures adhered to paper, stickers, etc. I have a PDF copy of it on our web site at:
[url=]Robyn and Max Adoption Info[/url]
Click: Adoption Profile Scrapbook, Print Version
I hope this helps!
We just used paint shop pro, and layered different photos, text and some scrapbooking items. You can find online scrapbook pages to do digital scrapbooking. It's actually easy but my dh had to show me how.
The thing that attracted the birthmother to our profile was that it wasn't "stiff". When you go about making yours be honest about who you are, don't try to make yourself fit what you believe every birthmom is looking for. We just stuck with the fact that we're family oriented and we have fun together... we couldn't seem like we have a hundred friends we hang out with all the time, or that we're very religious because it's just not true.
We also focused on holidays because they're a very family oriented time.
Anyhow... best wishes :)
Thanks for all the tips guys, I'll definitely be taking them on board. Still putting together the pictures..
I bet you are finished by now, but if you (or anyone) wants some stylewise ideas, feel free to look up my website. I posted a couple of our pages there.
Anne :)
[URL=""]Anne's website[/URL]