I want to take Max to get his picture taken with the easter bunny!
Just wondering if anyone wants to meet up at one of the malls and get it done also!
Bunny Pictures/ Playdate????
Let me know if this is something you all would be interested in doing
How about this coming Monday the 26th? any one know a good place to go to? i think we are all close to the St Charles area arnt we?
Mid Rivers, Mills or Chesterfield??
what works best for you all i can go to either
I can't wait to meet you and see all the kiddos and mom's I have met.I will chaeck to see where you decide to go . i too am in St.Charles County so any one of the locations sound good.
I am the odd man out. I live in Imperial. The other end of the world.hehehe :drive:
I believe Chesterfield would be the closest for me. Let me know.
Okay Chesterfield it is, Just for Lisa (hee hee)
Do we still want to do it tomorrow? or since the boards was down all weekend you want to wait until next monday??
Let me know I am good either way!!!
[FONT=Book Antiqua]Thanks Brandee!!!!:flowergift: I can do either Monday also. Whatever you think is best. [/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua]Lisa[/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][/FONT]
Lets do it next Monday, April 2nd So everyone has a chance to get prepared, since the boards was down soooo long
sounds good! Bonnie is out of town until Tues this week, and I have a flu bug, and Brody is still kind of sick too. We would love to see ya all next week!
We finally got out of PGN! I can't make it this time but I really want to come to the next playdate & I can't wait to meet everyone.
Brody and I will be at chesterfield mall tomorrow with Bonnie and Saffron, about 10- 10:30 for the Easter Bunny. Hope to see ya there!
Hi everyone, So did everyone meet up and have pic's taken of the adorable little ones? I cant' wait till we get to do that also. Brandee you'll have to share some pic's so i can see max
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Myself, Kathi and Bonnie where there to get pic's with the Easter bunny. Brody was such the big boy getting his picture taken; no crying. Carter on the other hand, about 5 second delay and then the crying started. Saffron opted not have her picture taken today. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The kiddo's are sooo precious!!!! :love: [/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Thank's Kathi and Bonnie, we had a wonderful time. Can't wait to do Grants Farm or the Zoo!!!![/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lisa[/FONT]
okay you guys i had a complete mental block today, totally forgot about meeting you all. Didnt do anything today stayed in PJs all day.
I feel like a complete idiot considering i started this whole thing then didnt even show up!
we had a horrible week, we ended up having to put one of our cats' Emma to sleep , it was a blood clot to the kidney's that caused them to almost instantly fail. We were devastated as a family . Soooo we hope to make it to the next one.
Oh Kelly, I am sooo sorry! How sad!
At least you have Skylar's Gotcha Day coming up fast, that is something happy to look forward to!