I am wondering if anyone can tell me how to link to a time-stamped post that has not published yet because the date has not passed. Let me give an example so you will understand what I am talking about:
I like to put together a series that starts with a Top Ten List and then elaborate on each item in successive posts. So, post #1 will introduce the topic and have the Top Ten List. Post #2 discusses the first item in the list; post #3 discusses the second item, etc.
I would like to add a link in posts #2-11 that brings the reader back to the first post with the Top Ten List. My problem is that I publish all 11 posts at the same time using the time stamp feature. When I click "Preview" for the Top Ten List post, this is the URL that is generated:
[url=]Hoping to Adopt Blog[/url]
If I link to this URL, then my readers will return to my blog but not to post #1. I can wait to put the links in until after the Top Ten List posts, but then it defeats the purpose of publishing using the time stamp feature because I have to come back and edit 10 posts with the correct URL.
Does anyone know how to identify the URL for a post that has been published using the time stamp feature before the post appears in the public blog?
- Faith
You ARE or are NOT publishing all 11 at the same time? I hope you mean NOT... please no more than 3 posts a day. No you can't get the URL until a post is published. What you can do is edit the list, adding the links as you publish the new items. The time stamp just tells the system what date/time to publish, and until a post is published, it doesn't have a URL.
Now, if you want to get very crazy about this, you could wait until the middle of the night. Publish them all, get the URLS, then take them down by resetting the time/date, and set to publish in some kind of reasonable order.
Publish each one at some future date. Then after you have published, go back into b2evo editing program to your main page that lists all your posts in a row so you can edit. Click on the paperclip (the permanent link) in the bottom righthand corner of the post you want an address for. It will send you to that page that says 'sorry, there is no post to display'. BUT--- the address that is showing in your browser's address bar at that moment IS the address that the post will be located at when it DOES publish. You can copy and past it into the right place in the post that you want to link.
Does that make sense?
Try it and see
Mary -- You're AWESOME!! Yes, that worked!! You are going to save me sooo much time. Thank you!!!!!!
Nancy -- No worries. I only roll the posts out at a pace of 1 or 2 a day. However, I publish them all at the same time using the time stamp feature so I don't have to go back and publish them later. They just appear at the designated time, which is very convenient, especially if I am out of town.
Thanks again, Mary. You made my day. :)
- Faith