I received the following request... Has anyone ever run into anything like this? If your blog is public it is fair to link to it.
I just don't get this person. Here is the note that I received.
Angela, Do you have permission to post all these people's blogs here?
Granted, while they may be public blogs, some people may prefer to give their blog addresses to people themselves, by word of mouth, and NOT have the addresses posted in this or any other forum. I, for example, have NEVER posted my blog address on a this web list and I have only ever been asked twice for permission to have the link posted on someone else's blog.
I respectfully ask you to remove the blog(s) from your post above that you do not have permission to post, nor bothered to ask for permission to post.
Never heard of such a thing. Private blogs are doable, so I don't understand why someone would blog publically, then be annoyed when they're read and found to be valuable enough to link to.
I ask permission to quote, but not to link. Seems to rather miss the point of publishing on the Net.
Well I give the writer a B+ for snottiness, I would have done an A but she used the word ASK instead of REQUEST, which is a much snottier word for a formal gripe letter.
Never ever heard of someone getting upset that what they are writing on the Internet is actually being *gasp* read and enjoyed enough to share. Perplexing to say the least.
Oh and I'll let the whole "on a this webiste" thing go altogether LOL
Oooooh! This is an excellent snotty reply, Julie! I'm SO impressed. The "request" vs "ask" is brilliant.
I'm calling on you the next time I need to answer snot with snot.
You're GOOD!
I've run into this assumption before on the web, and find it very puzzling -- a blog is on the internet, after all.
I'd be tempted to write back with a definition of what the internet is and, perhaps, instructions for creating a password-protected blog.
You don't need permission to link to anything that's published on the web any more than you need permission to open a book on a library shelf.
Grant it is like you read my mind.
I did send her an email explaining (trying to avoid sounding snotty) what the internet is and how passwords can be used to create a private blog.
She had "invited" me to discuss it with her via email. But rather then emailing me, she decided to take this discussion into a public forum. She posted on [URL=""]FRUA's popular chat board[/URL] to explain just how rude I was.
Then a couple of people jumped on the band wagon and stated they agreed. I was rude for linking to and sharing URLs to blogs.
I think that I was also called inconsiderate for sharing a family's private information. I still don't understand how I was in the wrong. I didn't publish their family's private information to the internet.
Don't you just love situations like this.... I responded once and then let the whole thing drop. The thread died a natural death.
Unbelievable!! I WELCOME links to my blog. Isn't the point of posting online to have people READ your blog in the first place?
I know it is frustrating when people talk about you online like that. I choose to just walk away. They really are not worth your time and energy. I would "wipe the dust from my feet" and try not to give her another thought. She clearly has issues.
Take care,
- Faith