Hi my name is Emily and I am currently mom to 4 kids, but about to be mom to 6. My husband and I have been married for almost 9 years. My oldest 2 are biological ages 6 and 9. My younger 2 are ages 2 and 3 and we adopted them domestically (private agency) last year. We are in the process of adopting 2 brothers from Liberia and they are 3 and 6 months old. We are hoping they will be home sometime next month. In 2 years we will have gone from 2-6 kids!! We are a transracial family and pretty soon we will have 4 under 4!! We are already thinking about #7. Not sure if we will do another international adoption or wait for a newborn. We are already over the limit here in Texas for adopting from foster care, I believe its 6. Anyway I can use any advice from moms who have been there!!
Welcome welcome welcome! Six is such a fun number! I've got six... soon to be eight, though!!!
I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here!
You brought up a good thought... once I adopt 8, I'll be up to my State's limit for foster/adopt. But are there other agencies that do adoptions without these limits????
;~) Kelly
I am working for the agency I am going through now (my best friend owns the agency) and I know in Liberia there is no limit on family size, so as long as you can find someone to write you a homestudy you can adopt from there! The website is
You have beautiful kids!! Are they all domestic adoptions?
so emily - what kind of a stroller are you getting. when i had 4 toddlers we used 2 doubles when i was with someone else, but by myself, i couldnt really go out with the kids. anyone seen a good triple stroller that will actually fit in the trunk without completely having to be taken apart?
Not sure yet. I thought about 2 doubles (we have one now), but I obviously can't do that by myself. My 9 year old is really handy with pushing the one we have now. I might like a triple stroller I haven't looked into it just yet. I am getting my 3 and a half year old to walk a lot more now so that I can get her used to it! She will be the oldest of the little ones.
Hi Emily!
We are soon to become a 6 child family,too.
I have 4 bio kids,and we are getting two foster dd's soon - hopefully to adopt by the end of the year.
I have always been very interested in Liberia-and would love to adopt from there someday!
I ,too am also thinking about #7 or 8 - that would be our limit as our state has a max of 8 kids in the home. Of course by then our oldest will probably be moved out of the house as well! I suppose I better take time to adjust to the 6 of them first!
Hi, I'm Tan and a mom to 5. My husband and I are foster parents. We have 3 bio's ages 13, 11, and 9. Also, we have an AD thats 2 and are fostering her 9 month old brother. We are hoping to adopt him. Pre-trial is May 25th and tpr trial is set for July 20th. I would love a sixth after adopting my fs but, my husband says no.
We are a family of nine children - six adopted through the state, one relative adoption and two bios. We were just informed that we were selected to adopt a sibling group of three in another state. We will meet them next week and are so excited! :banana: We have gone from two to nine in six years, but I wouldn't change it for the world. We will soon have twelve children...and to think we were 'only' going to adopt two children! It's a good thing we can't count! :cool: