Hi my name is Emily and I am currently mom to 4 kids, but about to be mom to 6. My husband and I have been married for almost 9 years. My oldest 2 are biological ages 6 and 9. My younger 2 are ages 2 and 3 and we adopted them domestically (private agency) last year. We are in the process of adopting 2 brothers from Liberia and they are 3 and 6 months old. We are hoping they will be home sometime next month. In 2 years we will have gone from 2-6 kids!! We are a transracial family and pretty soon we will have 4 under 4!! We are already thinking about #7. Not sure if we will do another international adoption or wait for a newborn. We are already over the limit here in Texas for adopting from foster care, I believe its 6. Anyway I can use any advice from moms who have been there!!
Welcome welcome welcome! Six is such a fun number! I've got six... soon to be eight, though!!!
I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here!
You brought up a good thought... once I adopt 8, I'll be up to my State's limit for foster/adopt. But are there other agencies that do adoptions without these limits????
;~) Kelly
I am working for the agency I am going through now (my best friend owns the agency) and I know in Liberia there is no limit on family size, so as long as you can find someone to write you a homestudy you can adopt from there! The website is
You have beautiful kids!! Are they all domestic adoptions?
Yep, my kids were all domestic... I did foster care for many years and adopting my kids from there!
;~) Kelly
I just looked at that agency and unfortunately I couldn't use them as I wouldn't obtain "A statement of Christian faith ". :( It's interesting that they require that!
But I'm going to search for agencies that deal with Liberia! Can anyone PM me with others?
;~) Kelly
so emily - what kind of a stroller are you getting. when i had 4 toddlers we used 2 doubles when i was with someone else, but by myself, i couldnt really go out with the kids. anyone seen a good triple stroller that will actually fit in the trunk without completely having to be taken apart?
Not sure yet. I thought about 2 doubles (we have one now), but I obviously can't do that by myself. My 9 year old is really handy with pushing the one we have now. I might like a triple stroller I haven't looked into it just yet. I am getting my 3 and a half year old to walk a lot more now so that I can get her used to it! She will be the oldest of the little ones.
Hi Emily!
We are soon to become a 6 child family,too.
I have 4 bio kids,and we are getting two foster dd's soon - hopefully to adopt by the end of the year.
I have always been very interested in Liberia-and would love to adopt from there someday!
I ,too am also thinking about #7 or 8 - that would be our limit as our state has a max of 8 kids in the home. Of course by then our oldest will probably be moved out of the house as well! I suppose I better take time to adjust to the 6 of them first!
guitarmom - ive been wondering where you are. did you get your placement yet? so excited for you!
Hi, I'm Tan and a mom to 5. My husband and I are foster parents. We have 3 bio's ages 13, 11, and 9. Also, we have an AD thats 2 and are fostering her 9 month old brother. We are hoping to adopt him. Pre-trial is May 25th and tpr trial is set for July 20th. I would love a sixth after adopting my fs but, my husband says no.
my hubbie always says *no more* but we are up to 12 now and one of our bmoms is pg again and wants to know if we want to parent the baby. he may soften. mine always does after the dust settles, lol!
We are a family of nine children - six adopted through the state, one relative adoption and two bios. We were just informed that we were selected to adopt a sibling group of three in another state. We will meet them next week and are so excited! :banana: We have gone from two to nine in six years, but I wouldn't change it for the world. We will soon have twelve children...and to think we were 'only' going to adopt two children! It's a good thing we can't count! :cool:
We actually ended up adopting 3 children, so we have 7 total. Things are going great, the kids have been home for about 2 months. All of their ages are (9,7,6,4,3,3,1) we adopted the 6, 3, and 1 year old this time from Liberia.