Okay, so I just bought a co-sleeper second-hand from someone on Craig's list. When I went to pick it up, I had second thoughts because the house stunck--like wet-dog but stronger kind of stink. I bought the co-sleeper, though, because it was such a deal, and now I'm trying to figure out how the heck I clean it. It's one of those arm's reach ones, where the fabric is literally bolted to the frame--anyone have any ideas? suggestions? I'm considering the garden hose but....
Thanks so much.
Garden hose, especially as it is summer and you can dry it in the sun. Use laundry detergent, or even dish soap. Maybe liquid Lysol kind of cleaner? Then use Febreze on it.
We have a hunter's laundry soap that is supposed to take all scent out of clothing so the Mighty Men can sneak up on their prey (turkeys? deer? whatever) but I use it to get nasty smells out of clothing. The sporting goods section of large Everything Under One Roof stores sell it, as well as specialty outdoor sportsmen stores. It is also organic, I think, so you can use it in your driveway and not worry too much about it going down the storm drain. This soap has helped get rid of the smell of sour milk, barfy babies, etc. on my kids' bedding, so it would probably work well on your co-sleeper, too.
We bought one of those co-sleepers for our baby. Funny thing too. We looked forever for the "right" one. Shopped all over the place for size, fabric, color, price, etc... It was this huge deal toward the end of my wifes pregnancy because we wanted the baby in our room and we wanted him safe of course. He has a crib room but we didn't plan on him realistically being there for at least the first 6 months. Well, he is now just over 3 months and the co-sleeper that bought is now a very nice $200 clothing, diaper, toy, binky, and other baby paraphenalia storage container :D Hahahhaha. ;) So, he sleeps in bed next to momma (she sleeps with an eye open so I think nothing could be safer... lol).