This is posted by daddysangel only because those of you that know??? My wife tryingtokeepangel has had to many breakdowns to keep up her fight. Therefore I daddysangel will do it for her. I have been thinking lately that if you listen to the WORDS of the following song "Because of you" by Kelly Clarkston. This to me explains what type of heart the court system has towards my child and what they fail to know as truth. OK ChristieS let me just be honest with you!!!!ON THE FORUM. I AM AFRAID!!!!! OK you hear it from ME!!!! I AM AFRAID!!!!LISTEN TO THE SONG!!!! It is not my fault!!!! Listen to the song as you would listen to a testomony between you and the bmom. THE COURT SYSTEM AND THE BMOM IN YOUR CASE= I CAN NOT CRY BECAUSE IT IS A SIGN OF WEAKNESS! BECAUSE OF YOU I AM AFRAID!!!??? BECAUSE OF YOU I STAY ON THE SAFE SIDE SO I DO NOT GET HURT. BECAUSE OF YOU I FEEL YOUR PAIN. UST LISTEN TO THE WORDS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.
Yes, I have heard this song. Many times. It touches my heart and my soul and I have been known to sob deeply when I hear it. I am sending a PM - please read it. My love and prayers are with you. I AM WITH YOU. I AM HERE FOR YOU. KNOW THAT. (((((HUGS))))) and love my friend. You are not alone. Christie