Hello everyone - I'm Laurie and so happy to have found a place with "older" moms! I'm 50 and the adoptive mom of a beautiful 2-year-old daughter. I've met other moms of toddlers and, while they are wonderful women, most are in the their 20s and 30s and I often feel like an odd man out in the group. (Has no one under 30 heard of John Denver??? haha)
I look forward to getting to know you all better and to sharing some of the joys of mature motherhood!
Hi Laurie, I am also new here too and yes I remember
John Denver so that will tell you how old I am!
we are in the process of taking on guardionship of our
grandchildren. With our age and me not working out side the home,plus we love these little one's dearly.It seems
we are a good prospect.
I am glad to be here as well. Congrats on your new 2yr
old daughter!
Hello Laurie & Lynn,
It is nice to meet you both. I think you will enjoy this forum. I know that it has helped me in a few times of need...
My husband is 36 and I am 46 and we are adopting our son Connor who is now 6 months old. He was 9 weeks when we picked him up. We are keeping fingers crossed that we finalize in October. So far everything has been completed with the exception of one more HS post placement visit and then court....
Good Luck to both of you!
Welcome Lynn and Laurie!!!!
I am happy you all found this forum. I look forward to getting to know you all better.
Good luck to you both that your adoptions continue without any bumps. Enjoy your precious little children.
Oh and by the way....I remember John Denver too. I will also admit I had a few of his
Hi Michelle, Rebecca and Lynn ~
Thanks for the welcome - I've been learning a lot on this board! It's great to know others are in similiar situations!
(I have many, many J. Denver albums, tapes and now CDs!)
We may be adopting a baby we've had since Jan. and I am 41 thinking "am I too old for her?"
It's been a relief to see that I am NOT alone. Sometimes I feel as if I don't belong anywhere. My friends my age are enjoying their grandchildren, and their kids are too young for me to hang with. It's awkward, but I'm lovin' it!
I too am learning alot here, and I do love John Denver!
At times I feel awkward also. I now have a grandbaby that is six weeks old and I love him to pieces. So our son and grandson are six months apart.
We have a court date! October 5th, this Friday and he will be all ours...Needless to say that we are excited...
Welcome to our little world! Congratulations to your adoptions and pending adoptions. We as older mothers are great too!
Wow....I am not alone! My husband and I are both 51 years old, and have bio children, 25 and 22 ~ and adopted 2 bio sisters almost 4 years ago. They are now 7 and 4.... Never a dull moment! I know alot of friends thought we were totally is when we should be traveling and thinking retirement. I am happy with the decison but having great difficulties with our 5 year old and behavior issues. I am working with a councelor and may have to resort to medication. Not happy about that, but I have to do something to help her and save our sanity. I love them so much but there are days when things are rough that I think I should've thought this through more....I feel tired and resentful that I am getting phone calls every day from teachers! I always thought I could handle anything, but this really hurts. I find myself feeling so sorry for her, but sorry for me too! I feel like my husband is blameing me for persuading him to agree to do adoption. Ideas?!?!?!?!?
Sashu welcome! GLad that you found us. Hope to see you more often.
Sorry that your 5 year old daughter is having a tough time right now. I really don't have a great answer for you. I am assuming (could be wrong) that you adopted from foster care. We have a forum that you might want to ask your question to others who have had more experience than I ([URL=""][/URL]).
It is hard to think of the great things of adoption and the joys that children bring into our lives when problems arise. Keep doing what you are doing....loving your children.
You take care and please come chat with us anytime. It can be good, bad or whatever. Just know we are here for you.
Hello everyone - I'm Laurie and so happy to have found a place with "older" moms!
I'm not an "older" mom but I'd still like to say "welcome".:evilgrin:
My wife and I are starting the process for our second adoption at 46 and 44 years old respectively. What we lack in energy, we make up for in maturity:banana: