For me, football IS a holiday, so I thought I would toss this in here....(plus DD was born on Thanksgiving, a REAL holiday and a huge football day...I timed my contractions while watching the Dallas/Detroit game last year)
Anyway, is anyone else crazy excited that the NFL season kicks off tonight??
We didn't even watch the whole game because they were doing SO bad. He used the excuse that we had to go to our neices b-day...but we were more than an hour early. What a baby!
okay - tell me last night was not like one of the greatest football games to watch?? The last few minutes were total insanity! Tell me you watched it Kelcees mom!?!
Man, that was good stuff.
Too bad Romo threw like a million interceptions! Hopefully he pulls it together so he can cream the Pats next weekend!
I just have to ask all you avid football fans, can you get too much football? Let me explain, my DH coaches at one of the local HS's and at the youth league and watches football anytime that he isn't at football. He has done this for the last 6 years (taking last year off for medical reasons). Before DD was born, he requested that I record all games that he coached (unless it conflicted with work) keeping me from being sociable the entire game (afterall, my conversation would then be on the recordig) and had me get there an hour before game time with him. Also, for two of those years my StepSon played too so we were actually at the field for 5 hours straight. I loved to watch Pro games before this now I only watch occassionally. So, can you get too much football? Or am I just really not a football fan?
By the way, Love my Cowboys and loved Monday's game.
I think you can. some may disagree and I know one who might but she won't be online for about another week ;)
Oh and S. heck yeah I am a Pats fan. I lived in N. Chicago back in 86(?) when the Pats were in the Superbowl with Da Bears and while everyone else was yelling for the Da Bears, I was yelling for the Pats.