Originally Posted By lea
Can a relative escort your adopted child to bring the child, if both adoptive parents can't go and pick up the child?
Originally Posted By LS
No. Philippines require that at least one adoptive parents travel. They do not allow escorts. The stay is only 4 days in country.
Originally Posted By lea
Can someone tell me what do we have to do in the Philippines within the 4 days stay? Are we suppose to go and apply for the visa etc., how about the ticket ? Thanks for any info.
Originally Posted By LS
Your child will already have had his visa doctor appt. before you go. You will need to go to the embassy to apply for his visa. It will then be ready the next day. The first day you will meet your child and you should be able one day to visit the orphanage. You should purchase your child's one way ticket at the same time you purchase your roundtrip ticket, Tell the agent your childs age, etc.
Originally Posted By lea
Thanks for the reply LS. The child is a distant relative. Since we didn't go through the orphanage, where are we suppose to meet the child. Can we ask someone to bring the child to meet us aside from the birthparents?