Anyone else read this book?
I never really had an issue when we only had one child - I never really yelled or screamed much when we only had one child. Life was pretty calm back then. Now that I have three - a 5 year old and two 2 year olds I find myself yelling or screaming quite often. Not AT my kids directly and not in anger. However, at times now I find myself yelling or being loud quite often and wanted to get myself in check. Things are very hectic in our household and can quickly get "out of control".
For example: In the morning when trying to get all three out the door by 7:30am I am yelling "come on, come one, let's go, let's go, LET'S GO....OUT THE DOOR ALREADY - OMG!!!!!! :hissy: or when they are fighting or argueing amongst themselves I find I need to raise my voice to get some attention myself - so they can hear ME. (Hello.....MOM HERE!!!!!!)
So, I found this book - "screamfree PARENTING" by Hal Edward Runkel. I am only in it about a quarter of the way, but it is good so far. Anyone else read it or have any "words of wisdom"? :gnome:
I think it's a pretty good book. I personally like the "Love and Logic Magic" - the one for young children. It's an easy read, with simple and practical examples. Easy to apply, works great.
Good luck! :)
I sure am going to look for it! With two rather rambunctious boys I find myself "loosing" it rather quickly. And I HATE, HATE, HATE to yell!
LOL. I should find this. I'm not usually yelling AT Nicholas. I'm just raising my voice to be HEARD. He's, uhm, quite noisy. ;)
OH MY WORD! I used to be a sane, confident adult. Then...well, we had kids. And the noise level at the Superbowl is less than an average afternoon in my home. (And Dh is a day sleeper. :rolleyes:) I'm working so hard to not yell all the time that I'm exhausted by the end of the day - having ended up yelling anyway!
Going to my library's web site to reserve that book now. :D
Now, what about getting the kids to listen the FIRST time? :evilgrin: