Hello I am the bio- mom to my 12 yr old daughter, In WI. The bio- father has had NO contact with her for the 12 years, and is out of state. My huasband and daughter and I have decided to go through the steps for my hubby to adopt her. We have already went to court for termination of parental rights and things went great..... the bio- father agreed to terminate his rights and the court accepted everything. Now we have a court hearing set for Oct.22 and we are doing it our selves (no Lawyer) We had some one from social services check out our home and our family life, her paperwork is to be submitted by the 12th of Oct. But my question is .....
Has any one done this on their own,(no lawyer) and what do we need to do next? also what do we need for our court date as far as papers? We want to do this properly but I'm unsure how to. Any advice is appreciated. thank you