I think school must be very very bad for my 6 yr old. He is so tired and grumpy all the time these days! He's crying and crying all the time. He is mean to his brother. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! WILL I SURVIVE?????
On the plus side, he made it the whole 1st six weeks of school w/o getting into any trouble at all. Now, if we can get that behavior at home, too. *sigh*
Hugs Ani!...let's hope this is a phase - a very very short phase! say 6 1/2 weeks?
And come often and vent - it helps!!! (it helps me at least!)
Thinking of you. Sorry, and hope I don't affend you in anyway. But, I giggle at you sometimes with your turmoils. Also knowing that it could be me in several years.:arrow:
It doesn't offend me! This is what I wanted: to be a Mom and all that comes with it.
My oldest son is almost 6 and goes to Kindergarden (1/2 day). He comes out of school all wound up, crabby and sassier than all get-out. In his circumstance, I think he's just not used to the "discipline" school brings (like not being able to run and play, and having to sit quietly when the teacher talks). I have to say, now that we're a month into it, he is adjusting better - hopefully yours will too...Good Luck!!
Yes, ds did that in K too. He's in 1st grade this year. He is even more sleepy since they don't do naps. At least he's behaving in school. Today was the last day of the first 6 weeks and he's stayed on green the whole time.
Ani - maybe he's tired and needs his bedtime readjusted. I know for me, I have never been a morning person. When I was in elementary school we lived out in the country and I had to catch the bus at 7 am. Wayyy to early for a kid in kindergarten. It was always a struggle for my mom to get me out of bed. She used to have to send me to bed at about 7 every night so I could get out of bed the next morning.
Just a thought. ((((HUGS)))) I hope it gets better soon.
I've tried tara, but it seems like if I send him to bed earlier, he stays awake longer. Go figure?
I do agree. It is hard when we don't get home from church until bedtime on Wednesday, and for some reason, he has soccer practice at 6:30 on thursday nights. I don't like that as it gets him all wired up before bedtime. At least it's almost over!
He will adjust. I have quit making him take naps on the weekend because it seemed harder during the week when he couldn't have one. However, I may have to start having him take them again. 1st grade is wearing him (and me) out! He has so much he has to do when he gets home. He has to practice spelling words, do his reading assignment, read an AR book, and any other homework they send home. Poor little guy! When did kids have to stop being kids?
I have heard, and tend to agree that part of the reason why some kids seem to behave so badly once they get home from school, while staying completely OUT of trouble at school is that they have put so much effort staying out of trouble for the new circumstance in their life that once they get home, where they are comfortable it just spills over, giving those of us that love them the most the worst part of themselves.
And that, ladies is the worlds longest, and worst written sentence,. Hope you can get the meaning!
I have heard, and tend to agree that part of the reason why some kids seem to behave so badly once they get home from school, while staying completely OUT of trouble at school is that they have put so much effort staying out of trouble for the new circumstance in their life that once they get home, where they are comfortable it just spills over, giving those of us that love them the most the worst part of themselves.
And that, ladies is the worlds longest, and worst written sentence,. Hope you can get the meaning!
ROFL!!! I got your meaning. I have also been told that when your children behave for someone else even more than they do for you, you know you've done something right. Didn't quite get that one until I had kids of my own! :arrow:
I'm glad (though sorry for you) that I'm not the only one!!! My 6 yr old is often a TERROR when he gets home from 1st grade. And, like you stated, there are spelling words to practice and stories to read, etc. I often feel like we get the crudiest part of his day....AAHHH. We often have melt downs doing schoolwork, and all over the silliest things. And to top it off, it's really hard on me....I teach emotionally disabled high schoolers all day and I'M having a bad year! :hissy: Every morning when we have a "moment of silence" at school I pray for God to give me the patience and knowledge to deal adequately with the kids during the day. (Including MY kid) LOL
I'm sure it will get better...and it not, I'm sure there's a good nerve pill out there for us....
Something to consider is that the brain uses more glucose than any other organ in the body. When the brain doesn't get enough glucose, one of the first signs is irritability and poor behaviors. After working at academic studies all day, the brain may have used up the readily available supplies of glucose in the blood. This is not an excuse, of course, but it might be that your little guy needs a snack after school and before dinner. Try to make it a mixture of a protein and a complex carbohydrate. Cheese and crackers, peanut butter toast, that kind of thing. Avoid sugary stuff and juices as these will push the blood sugar up quickly and then drop off with equal speed. Proteins and complex carbs mixed together deliver glucose more slowly and evenly.
Also, if you have tried changing the bedtime and it didn't work, remember that new habits have to be practiced for at least 14-21 days in order for them to work. If it was less than that amount of time you may want to try again with an earlier bed time.
I have a child (wait...I have about 3 of these!!) who does not adjust to changes in routine at all well. When i know we are going to be doing something new with our routines I try to keep EVERYthing else as absolutely the same as possible. Sometimes this even helps! LOL