Originally Posted By MamaLuv
Like most everyone, I'm new to all this so bear with me if any part seems ignorant...
I am a Filipina married to an American. I am a citizen. I have one natural daughter.
Being Filipina, I have lots of family in the Philippines and we were hoping to process the whole adoption ourselves as agencies/lawyers are a little too expensive for us. We are not in dire straits but would like to spend our money when the baby's with us.
My family in the Philippines consists of a lawyer and a retired judge (brother/father). They are both extremely familiar with the law. My sister-in-law owns her own travel agency and I have relatives in politics. Our worry is the INS/Embassy of the U.S. Is is really too impossible to process all the U.S. required paperwork ourselves? From all the literature I've read, it sure seems so...kinda depresses us...
Originally Posted By JAY
From the research I have done about Philippine adoption, I have learned that there are no "private adoptions" such as in the USA. In fact, private adoptions are considered illegal in the Philippines. All children up for adoption must be approved by the Philippine Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the Intercountry Adoption Board (ICAB). Therefore everybody must go through the same process as everybody else wanting to adopt from the Philippines (even those wanting to adopt relatives, which can be even more difficult). So expect the same waiting period with dealing the with INS and the same fees.
Originally Posted By Mamaluv
Thanks for such a prompt reply, Jay. I appreciate the info - and I really am not seeking to "cut in line" so to speak, all I want to know is if it is possible to process all the paperwork without an agency? Of course anything is possible - but is it too stressful?
Originally Posted By JAY
I don't see why you couldn't process the INS paperwork yourself. As for it being too stressful, I think that process differs for each person. I have heard both good and bad stories about dealing with the IRS. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Just remember nothing worth having ever comes easy and in the end bringing a child into a loving home is worth any price. God Bless.