This is an open warning to all prospective parents hoping to adopt in the Philippines.
After starting the process to adopt in the Philippines: REFRAIN FROM GETTING PREGNANT AT ALL COSTS. The Phillipine ICAB will terminate your adoption process without question EVEN AFTER you have already been referred to a child.
My story is too long and painful to write here: but we were an "infertile couple" who had gone through six IVF failures. We never in our wildest dreams thought we would have a birth child. Seven weeks after our referral we discovered that we were going to have a baby.
Because of our blessing - ICAB took our son away, five days before Christmas no less (we were due to pick him up in January).
I pray that this indescribable pain doesn't happen to another couple. I feel it also necessary to point out that in their written reasoning they claimed the two year nurturance policy - not the one year change that has been reported in various internet sources and message board posts.
God Bless