It doesn't look like there's much activity on this board, but I wanted to post this question- Does anyone have any recommendations for agencies in the Twin Cities Metro area? If so, please pm me.
The agency we used for our first adoption was a disappointment and we will not be going back there, so when we start the adoption process again, I'll need to start from scratch. Any insight is greatly appreciated.
I would also love any recommendations for agencies in the Twin Cities area! Please send me any information as well. Thanks!!
This goes back a few years (okay, a lot of years) but based on our experiences, I would highly recommend both Children's Home Society of MN in St. Paul, and Crossroads in Edina.
We adopted from CHSM in 1981 and found the staff to be caring and professional.
We adopted from Crossroads in 1987 and found them as caring and professional as CHSM. They also were extremely supportive of us when we started to have serious problems with some of our kids during the two years after placement.
I sent you both PM's. Hope it helps a little even though our adoptions took place so long ago.
I think most agencies have orientation meetings. You may want to attend a few before selecting an agency. You should be able to get a feel for them by attending the meetings and see where you feel most comfortable.
I'm a doggy mom, too.