I was just wondering if there are any agencies with Vietnam accepting new applicants?
Due to an age issue and for me a health issue we would be excluded from Korea and China. We are still thinking if we want to go ahead with a second child, but I have been discouraged reading about all of the closing programs and problems lately in Vietnam.
Thanks in advance,
Amy K, NJ
Ami, could you please pm me about agencies, too? I just signed with a homestudy agency and they recommended Viet Nam for me.
Thanks! Margaret
Hi Ami!
If you haven't gotten sore fingers from all of the PM's requested could you PM me as well?
Thanks so much!
Pms sent. Also if anyone notices any changes let me know and I will change the list accordingly. I have been a bit busy lately so I haven't kept up with any recent changes.
There are still agencies taking applications. I think there are some agencies that are fairly new as well so they should be open. I will try and locate some and PM you tonight.
Ami, if possible, I would for you to share any agency suggestions for adoption from Vietnam. Thanks.
I noticed that a lot of new people are looking for agencies that are still accepting families for the VN program. Before you commit to VN, you may want to wait until the end of March when the MOU is signed (or not) because if it is not then the Intl. Adoption situation in VN will become "Ify" at best.
Could you pm it to me too....
More for curiousity but also because my agency is not hague accredited and may need to switch in the near future. Thanks in advance!!!!!