We had our home study completed and With the baby do in less than two week the father is going to contest. Looking for some feed back of other who had failed adoptions.
"Contested" does not necessarily mean a failed adoption. Many of us had contested adoptions where the father's rights were TPR'd because he was not in a position to parent the child. Sometimes fathers use "contesting" to punish the mother, or to try to force her to resume their relationship. What does the mother say? What does your agency/lawyer say? Don't give up yet.
I am so sorry to hear about your situation
we had 2 failed adoptions this year one of which occured a week ago in Indiana as well. '
It so hard emotionally and financially
The agency doesnt seem to care at all and hasnt even contacted us. The said they knew she'd place she didnt we waited 7 months on this one situation and lost $5,000.
I dont know what your plan is in terms of the contested adoption I hope an attorney can shed some light on what you need to do, back away, wait and see etc.
Keep us posted.
Hi, we had a failed adoption in Florida. It was out of everyone's control because the full term baby was still born. It was a surprise to everyone. I don't know about the contesting, but I do know that the pain and heartbreak are devastating. You're in my prayers.
In our case, the birthfather contested too. But, in some states if the birthfather did not support the birthmother 6 months prior to the pregnancy, then he has no rights. Thats how our case worked, we live in Kansas. You might want to check and see what the adoption laws in your state suggests about it.
Prayers for you!
Our birthfather contested when our baby was 5 mos. old, with the held of the birthmother (signing an "Affidavit of Paternity"). We fought and our adoption was finalized last December. Each situation and each state is so different. Find out all you can and make an informed decision.
We had our home study completed and With the baby do in less than two week the father is going to contest. Looking for some feed back of other who had failed adoptions.
Okay, one thing to do is actually speak to the pbfather. He may actually be just hurt/confused (put an adjective in for his actions) and doesn't like that this decision may have been made without consulting him. Sometimes just speaking to him, may truly help the situation so he may not feel so alone. Who knows what he's going through right now and someone that's understanding and willing to listen to him, will go a long way in helping any situation.
I will tell you that our adoption (we thought) would be contested by the biodad, but instead was contested by the biomom. We sat down with biodad and spent hours with him, his fiance', his parents and a couple of his siblings. By the end of the night, he gave us his blessing and told us he'd do whatever we needed him to do, so we could adopt his son. He's still got contact with our son and he gets pictures and updates. Don't give up just yet, things can get better. Please update when you can.