Our Adoption Shop is closing on January 15th. Due to this, adoption retail products, book sites are no longer a "competition" for us and we will not need to moderate those from this point forward.
All retail links will now be allowed (appropriate, no spam, and not to solicit at will. Still need to be an appropriate reply to a post/topic)
Amazon and other adoption retail sites are included in this "ALL" retail links that we will allow.
In general, the links we are NOT going to allow are Anti Adoption sites, forums where we know they bash us, and Agency sites.
I will update the retail announcement that is out there.
Off the top of my head...
Frua,,and Soul of Adoption are non "anti" sites that do bash us, so they are not allowed. There are a few others but they are anti sites so would be covered under that rule.
BastardNation is another one although imo, it's more anti than not.
There's another one that a former member started but I'm blanking on the name. I've not heard anything on it for a year or so though. I'll keep thinking on it.
So does this mean a going out of business sale? Sorry I know bad timing, but had to ask! I love a good sale.
LOL! Last I was on there was this weekend and there were a lot of clearance items. Worth a check...just click on the shop up top.
Awe - I am sad about the adoptionshop closing - are they gonna have a big sale?
Well, people will be excited about being able to post some sites that were not allowed before like, etc...
I have to think on it...
My concern is that we'll get members signing up solely to promote their businesses (and we do get those) which is not the intent of our site.
Another concern I have is that by allowing it, we'll then get a push to allow parentprofiles or adoptionfundraising etc. in the siggies because we allow retail links.
Right now my thinking is to make it "fair" accross the board, siggies should not contain a retail or "gain motive" type link. They can continue to put these links in their homepage link on the profile.
I'll think on it...but that's my current thought.
Just asking as I deleted one last night after discussing it with Brandy. Just want to make sure I am doing the right thing here. Thanks.
Have you finished thinking on this, crick?
One member has her online store in her siggy and clearly states that this is to help support her adoption. Does that fall under the retail link or under the fundraiser which isn't allowed link?
no...but I'm leaning towards no anyway, since the complications will be vast! lol!
On this specific one, it falls under our fundraising no no so it will need to be removed regardless.