Please review the following rule changes and updates
1. Cussing
All acronyms in general are allowed in posts. SOL, PITA, LMAO etc. The only acronym I can think of right now that will not be allowed is WTF, since the F word really does cross the line, imo. If something comes up that you feel is too risqu֩, post about it and well review.
We have an auto censor; so all words that are not allowed here are starred out. If someone posts and you see the ****, it has already been ғmoderated and itԒs over. Theres no need to moderate again because nothing offensive is seen. That means no pm or user note etc. is necessary. (If we find a post that is nothing but ***Ғs or a particular member is abusing it, then well act. In GENERAL, this is not a moderating task)
Bypassing the auto censor - @$#()%*&)$(%* is okay. Sh&T, F^^K Җ is NOT. S*** is also not allowed since its clear they bypassed it using the stars.
Hell Җ IӒve just been through hell and back! or ԓThis is such a hellish time for us! is okay.
ԓOh! go to hell! is NOT okay. Using it to disrespectfully post to another member will be a moderating task.
I would prefer to NOT see cuss words or *** words in the Title of a thread. It's just too visible and has more of a "shock value", imo. So in the TITLES, if you see them, please edit
2. Links Ԗ
All links are allowed except for agency, facilitators, strictly adoption fee based services, and porn/inappropriate viewing links.
Travel agencies that cater to adoption is okay as well as things like gift basket services to international children etc. because they fall more under the retail link usage rather than professional adoption services. This also includes adoption product sites since this is retail as well.
Retail links As long as they are not posting to spam their business, (more than 3 is considered spam) we will allow it. And of course no member joining specifically to spam is allowed. This is strictly for active members.
Newspaper and blog links are okay, but not pulled quotes or comments from a member. Just the link is allowed.
Yahoo groups, even closed ones have been allowed for awhile now, just adding here for reminder. (Of course if subject is anti adoption or not family friendly, it's not allowed)
3. Fundraising ֖
No adoption fundraising allowed and any fundraiser where a member is being asked to donate actual money must be to a true 501c3 non-profit organization. If its a link to get members to click on another site in order to raise funds, thatҒs fine since no money is being asked for.
In short, we are trying to make moderating less of a babysitting function and more of a helpful mediation function. Our most important rule we want to enforce here is respectful discussion and providing a safe place to do so. So let's try to do more discussion facilitation and mediation when needed and less babysitting. I think it will benefit ALL of us and the site.:)
Questions and comments welcome....
i already got one:
D%*^ IT!!!!
and then this is the reply i got to my pm:
I was going to write DANG IT, but I wasn't sure that was acceptable, so I thought I would prevent drama but just not putting the last letters. Can I get a list of what is considered profane on the board or is there a master list somewhere?
i nearly fell out of my chair....first of all, like i'm going to pm a list of foul language to a user. rofl!
second of all, bc of the autocensor, the list would look like this:
ROFL>....ok, i think i've just done too many edits today....bc i can't stop laughing....i beeter go :)
LOL....ya, let's send out a **** list!;)
I would just pm her and let her know that she should just type the word as is and if she sees it starred out in her post, she'll know. lol.
Tell her dang it is perfectly fine.