Well my kids any time you ask them it is all about chicken nuggets and french fries. What is your childs favorite food?
H's new favorite is "ice cream" (mango sorbet) We have a bottom drawer freezer, so he goes and gets it out himself, brings it to his little table, then drags his small chair over to the cabinet where he knows the ice cream cones are, gets them out, then opens the drawer where the spoons are and hands me one. Think that's a hint?
How cute HBV! Shai"s mom how fun that he will eat sauce. Both my kids won't eat sauce. Any special secrets to get them to eat sauce? how you tell them one thing but they are really eating something different. Dh and I are constantly telling my youngest that it is chicken not matter what kind of meat. Its kind of funny because my youngest wants a breakfast dinner every so often and that means pancakes and sausage. I realize we are all talking about meat but I do realize that many of you may be vegetarian so please let us know what your kids enjoy too.
One lives for sandwiches. Peanut butter and HONEY (not jelly), or 'meatloaf' (bologna) with lots of mayo. He makes his own...I'm about sandwiched out after the first 50,000. :evilgrin:One loves hot dogs. One eats rice...fried rice, mexican rice, pretty much any flavorful rice, and butter. Not on the rice, but just butter alone. :sick: He loves it. He has buttered bread and uses his hands to scrape all of the butter off the bread and then licks it off of his hands. Ew. He'll get into the butter and lick it off the butter knife, too. We have to really guard the butter! Pancakes is a big fave for all of them. Daddy makes them on the weekends to give Mommy the treat of being the last to stumble out of bed and having the first cup of coffee.
One eats rice... and butter. Not on the rice, but just butter alone. :sick: He loves it. He has buttered bread and uses his hands to scrape all of the butter off the bread and then licks it off of his hands. Ew. He'll get into the butter and lick it off the butter knife, too. We have to really guard the butter!
Oldest boy will eat pretty much anything, and has a very wide palate range. Loves sushi, thai, mexican, indian foods a lot. If there's anything he doesn't like, it's cream cheese - so a lot of frostings or sweet stuff made with it..nope. Oh...and he doesn't like plain chocolate! WTH!??? LOL!
Middle boy is also really flexible but especially loves mac n cheese, spaghetti and mexican food. Hates cinnamon.
Youngest is my picky picky picky eater. The only meats he likes are the fatty salty ones...sausage, bacon, pepporoni, salami and oh...chicken nuggets. Favorite food is pizza. I'm at least lucky that he likes fruit, yogurt, lettuce and snap peas otherwise he'd be eating nothing but junk.
Crick how cool that they eat what they eat! oldest would be saying ewwwww and would cry with every bite. My youngest hides chocolate. I always wonder where he hides it? Dh and I don't have much in the house but when we do we try to hide it but he seems to find Chicken nuggets and french fries are my sons favorite no matter when you ask them what would you like to
Michelle - if your kids eat veggies at all, or rice, sushi is really easy to introduce. We didn't start them off on raw fish sushi but rather the california rolls etc. Some they liked and some they went "you want me to try THAT?" lol! I myself, don't like raw fish, so ds is always excited when we go out for Japanese and he can have it.
Overall, my 3 oldest are really good eaters and like a wide variety of food. My youngest will try stuff (because he has!) but seriously hates pretty much everything. Our next cuisine to introduce them too is Morroccan as there is a place that does it the traditional way where you sit on the floor, eat with your hands etc. I think it'll be fun!