After going to an adoption agency back in 1969 I chose adoption because I wanted more for my son. Although I didn't go through an adoption agency it was a private and closed adoption.I knew someone caring would take him. somehow after many prayers, I felt that he would be well and loved. I was right. 36 years later one week before christmas I met my son and he met his biological sister. It was such a blessing. He had at the time 2 beautiful girls and now has a new son.
Although all stories arent as happy as we all know, his wife is also adopted and met her birthmother , but it wasnt what she hoped for. Although they talk and see each other at times, the feelings that my son and I share aren't there. It was best for me at the time of my life, I was still in school and young. It's a very hard decision to make but one I will never regret.