6 month old DS has recurrent Fungal Yeast infections around his genitals. I think it is because he was on such strong antibiotics for the staph he had when he was 8 days old and then again when it recurred a few weeks later. He has been on the strongest prescription ointment (pdoc changed it once) but we have to do a lot of other stuff like keeping him very very dry all the time, loads of triple paste, and there is this body wash made by California Baby which has Tea Tree oil in it which is a natural the stuff.
It is starting to look better but I was really stressed out because it was so bad....seemed to start up again around the time he was eating solids. I was in Whole Foods and I saw they had baby Acidopholus (sp) and I got it. I gave him half the recommended dose for three days but now I'm not sure I did the right thing because so little is known about its effect on the baby. (Again though it may be a coincidence he looks so much better today).
Does anyone know more about it?
Also, they make infant DHA ...does anyone use that to supplement home made food?
Thanks. I would love to chat with parents who believe in utilizing safe Holistic approaches to baby care (not in lieu of medical care but in conjunction with).
Thanks guys.