Hi all....I'm finding myself at a serious loss of words, which if you "know" me is pretty rare. So here's the thing: I had my first visit with DD when she was eleven months old. I met her Mom, we exchanged email addresses and phone numbers, she gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses - all in all I think it went really well.
Since then we've exchanged emails with some regularity. Not weekly or daily or anything over board, just once in a while. I also got some pictures in the beginning of January. So far nothing's been by a "schedule" just when it happens (which is great because it's casual and which drives me crazy because I have no plan or direction!) I LOVE everything I've been given so far and am very grateful that I've been a part of thier lives, so please don't misunderstand.
BUT - and here's the really hard part for me - I would LOVE another visit. It's only been about three months, and I'm not saying I need it soon, I just wish I knew what DD's Mom's expectations far everything has been me following her lead. I've sent emails to her on my own before, around Christmas, A's birthday, etc. but I've never done anything nearly as bold as ask for a visit.
I don't know how to do it! I sit at this stupid email in progress and write and rewrite the sentences over and over.
Would you be pleased if your child's firstmom asked for visits? Bothered? Worried she was trying to intrude? I don't want to do anything that would negatively affect our relationship, I guess I just want to feel like I have some ownership of the OA and am not just a passive participant waiting to hear the word "Jump" so I can ask "How high????"
Thank you!!!
:rockband: :love: :grouphug: :banana: :clap: :dance: :cheer:
so happy to read that!!!
YAAA HOOO!! You deserve it!! I'm so glad she is so comfortable with it too!!!
Now if you could just sprinkle some "call dust" my way for his bparents...DAH!
I would love to send some your way vogi!!!
We've got a good news train that we send around over in bmom-ville...I think we could definitely send it your way, cause you sure deserve it too! Just so long as you send it back :D
Got THREE new pics PLUS a little mini video!
And a date!
April 6th :cloud9:
Haven't been around all that much these last days but saw this and I can't tell you how excited I am for you and your daughter and her other mom. April 6!!!! Can get here soon enough huh???? ((((Hugs))))
BTW, I read your blog all the time but for whatever reason it won't let me comment...sigh... just so you know, I'm listening...
I'm new here, and loving to read all these posts!
I have two adopted daughters. While we have a great relationship with my oldest daughters b'mom (she is truly just like family) we don't have contact (yet??) with our youngest daughter's b'mom.
I would LOVE for her to reach out and want a visit.
Perhaps you can mention how much you enjoyed the last visit, and each other's company. Mention that you'd love to get together again, whenever they feel ready, or up to it.
I would welcome a note like that very very much.
Thanks cdm! It's funny - this post is over a year old, but I probably could have written it AGAIN a few months ago!
As it is, we just scheduled our next visit to be in May. We've been having a visit about every 6-8 months - so this one in May will be our 4th.
It's funny, I haven't looked on this page in quite a while, but since I last wrote I've actually MET Muse and Denise and Brown (and of course I already HAD met Leigh) and it just makes me smile to realize how you all were here from the beginning! (((((hugs)))))