Over 2.5 yrs ago DHS placed our granddaughter with us. Courts did TPR in Oct. 06 and Dec.06 we filed to adopt her. Now we got a denial letter, sighting some legal trouble hubby got in during his divorce in 1994, as well as some negative recommendations from some of his adult kids. We hired an attorney to fight it. We have a "case conference" coming up on the 22nd and I was curious if anyone knows what that will be like?
We will be doing all we can do to fight this, as it's stupid and I can't bear to think the impact it would have on this little girl mentally and emotionally. She calls us mommy and daddy,thinks her last name is the same as ours (never has been, we'd planned to change it with the adoption, the foster care worker had us enroll her in school using our last name), and doesn't even question why she isn't with her birth parents. We'd had her most of her life prior to DHS getting involved anyway, so this was not a big change for her or us to have her full time.
DHS says they know she gets excellent care now, but they worry how hubby will handle her as a teen if she gets mouthy, as his older kids said negative things. Between us we have 7 kids aged 16.5-30 yrs old, they haven't been hurt even though we've had ups and downs with behaviors at various times like most kids do...normal stuff in my opinion, testing their limits at times,etc...but I don't see how they can use that kind of thing against us.
I feel like DHS probably shouldn't have placed this child with us to begin with (hubby had a domestic charge during his divorce, police report shows he pushed his wife off him and ran out a door) but I told them his history before I ever brought her home the day they first got involved, and they said with it so long ago they didn't care...but once it went from foster care hands to adoption hands, I think it became an issue and she'd already been here over 1.5 yrs by then so they began digging for a reason they could use to remove her from here to cover their own butts. This is the only thing that makes sense to me, because they'd had all this info for all this time, now suddenly it's an issue.
I'm scared, apprehensive, and angry with the system that would even consider moving this child when she's so bonded here, in school and church here, etc.