I am curious if anyone knows where I can find a list of the Russian regions that require you to get the in country medical exam. I would like to avoid the extra expense if possible. Thanks!
I don't know of a list, but the way adoption rules appear to change on a whim, I would be afraid that it would be required by the time I was in region.
I hate going to the doctor, but I would not limit myself to regions that do not require the in country medical exams.
SO many of them require the exams now, but many differ in that some want it in Russia, some want you to see all the different specialists here or some say your family doc can handle it all. This was the case for us in Murmansk. Our family doc filled it out and we had to get a special letter from the state medical board noting that our physician was trained and educated to exam and make diagnoses in those areas.
I wouldn't limit myself either, things can change quickly.
We actually want to do the medicals in-country! On our last adoption we had to do the 8-panel medical and see the 8 different required specialists in the US. Very challenging, costly, and they also expired after 90 days so we had to repeat it 3x since we waited over 8 months between trips. This time around we looked for a region where we could get it done in one visit in-country.
I don't mind seeing the doctors, but it hurts my feelings to have to pay an extra $1600-2600 when my medicals don't even have anything on them. Oh, well, I guess such is adopting in Russia. : ) I definitely won't limit my regions with the instability of the rules and how they seem to change on whim. Thanks for the feedback.