Just read on another group that Panama would be making some changes in their adoption processes to begin next month. That was all this person posted. Has anyone read or heard anything about these possible changes? If so, would you describe what you know? PM is fine if you'd prefer.
my agency also told me that the DNA was meeting with attornies to go over the changes. they'll let me know when they know.
we're in the middle of it. i hope it's a change for the good.
Panama is literally our last resort, so I hope and pray that changes will be for the better. Actually, it seems to be a reliable and well-run (if somewhat slow) process- with the main issue being wait time for a referral and time of referral to completion (last I heard 18-24 months for a referral and a two+ years to complete!). However, I'd rather have it be slow and sure instead of what's being discovered, questioned, and realinged in some other countries now (i.e. Vietnam, Guatemala). Is there a well-respected and widely known source for info. about Panama adoptions on the web (other than here) where we can get some more details? LMK.