This is going to be a very difficult week, for a number of reasons - but the most important thing for me right now is to make sure I have some thoughts/prayers headed towards Texas.
The only woman who ever acted like a mother to me is having surgery on Thursday. She's had a number of health problems and I am going crazy because I can't be there with her and my dad.
Thoughts/prayers/chants/rain dances - whatever works for you...that'd be great.
If you can throw out something tiny for me too - I have a very big important day tomorrow and could use some positive energy to help me stay strong and do what I know I need to do - even though it's not what I want to do.
Thank you everyone!
Brandy, MANY prayers going out for you tomorrow! I will also be sending prayers to Texas for a good outcome!
Hang in there (((hugs)))
Brandy, I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers this week that all will go well.
Absolutely Brandy - all you ever have to do is ask.
Please keep us posted as well. Best thoughts to you all. :grouphug:
Thanks everyone.
My 'big thing' went off without a hitch this morning. Strength wasn't even an issue, and I'm not sure how that makes me feel at this point.
Thanks again everyone!
My 'big thing' went off without a hitch this morning. Strength wasn't even an issue, and I'm not sure how that makes me feel at this point.
I hate it when the hard things happen..