I posted this in another forum, but thought maybe more would see this here and could offer more advice.
We have 2 adopted children. My daughter is 4 and our son is 8 months. We're thinking about adopting number 3 but I can not do the whole newborn "thing" again. We would like to start the process soon. But I don't even know where to begin. I'm thinking no younger than 6-8 months, no older than 3-4 years. We do not want to go through the foster care system.
Has anyone ever tried to find a birthfamily that wanted to place their child?
Other than word of mouth, how can we go about this? I have already emailed our attorney who helped in our childrens adoptions, but I haven't been able to chat to her about it.
We can't afford to go through an agency. (the only one around us, that i am aware of, places only newborns)
What other options would there be? International adoption is also not an option
If any one could help me get started I would appreciative.
Thanks so much
Do you have a current homestudy yet? What state do you live in? Different states have different laws. I would start with a homestudy if you don't have one already.
Good luck!
I have seen folks adopting independently domestically a toddler. They were listed on a site for parents to find each other (not sure I can link here, but if you PM me, I'll be happy to share). This site lets you indicate your criteria, with both minimum and maximum age limits, and at least one family on there adopted a 2 year old daughter without going internatinal and without foster care.
I've also come across another family wanting to place their 3 year old son - and I was in touch with them for a little bit, but they changed their mind.
So I believe it CAN be done, but it will take more time.
Good luck!
Hi, Marry X-Muss
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AQlmostimpossible to find that age group with word of mouth of lawyer best bets are agency,. international has alot of children in that age range and alot of homestudy agencies may have issues with the ages of your children being so young? Ask questions of whomever you have do your homestudy. And ask how many of these ages they place? Best wishes
I am interested in adoption of a toddler with a private agency. I may have found 1 or two although this is rare to have toddlers.
If anyone has more information, can you share with me? Has anyone done this? Can it happen?
Or you can PM me if you know of any agency.
We have been searching for this type of situation also. If anyone has that site information, could you PM me as well, please? Many Thanks!
Hi all--
I called five domsetic newborn agencies and even 1 lawyer. They do not have toddlers. We decided to do foster to adopt.
You could always post on a website and hope that a birthmom with a toddler contacts you.
There is a facilitator out of California that regularly lists toddlers/children older than newborn on their site, available for adoption. I've even seen some grade-schoolers there. PM me for the name of the faciliator.
This has also been my dream, but I was told by an agency that it hardly ever happens. It i encouraging to hear that others have done this.
My aunt, adopt a baby but this baby was my husband's nephew, the process is so easy and in no time the baby is my aunt's baby now. I was happy for the success of this procedure. The baby's real mother and father allowed this one, maybe because they're not ready for a baby now.
[URL=""]Mary Jane @ child nap mat[/URL]
we too are looking to adopt. Without a budget of 30,000.00 we are finding it harder and harder. We are becoming very disappointed, I would love any ideas or website suggestions as well. :thanks:
It IS possible, but from what I understand, it's rare. While we were waiting, we heard of a possibility of a 7 month old. When our children (sibling pair) were placed with us, they were 3 months and 20 months. Through private adoption (agency and facilitator), not foster-adopt.