The dreaded time is fast approaching. :hissy: Was it not just yesterday I finished that entire dossier!?!
When you update your dossier, do you have to re-do EVERYTHING? Psych eval, photos, homestudy... Or, only a portion of the dossier?
I believe you only need to update whatever portion needs updating. We have had to update our fingerprints and our physicals. I hope this helps.
Thank you Rebecca.
I will hopefully hear back from my caseworker tommorow and will have the exact requirements.
For some reason I have a great fear of having to update our medical forms and my husband's employer form, though we just sent the dossier in April. Do these have to be so many months recent when you receive a referral? My social worker mentioned last week that we may have to re-do these soon (because of timing) even though we just sent them. Huh?
Oh, I remember why I have a great fear of redoing the medical took the clinic three trys to get it right the first time. Ugh! I hope we don't have to go through that again.
I'll look forward to hearing what you find out!
Well we had to redo our medicals, employment and fingerprints. They are only good for 6 months from the date you did them, not when you sent them. I waited until I got our referral and then did them. The medicals and employment letters went down before we did, but I carried the fingerprints with me because I got them back just before we left. That was the only documents we had to redo.
This is what I was told:
"At this time all you will have to update is whatever is necessary for your I-171h/fingerprints. You do not have to update other docs until you get a referral. Then you will need to update employment letters and medicals.The most important is to keep your I-171h current."
So, I guess just the fingerprints until we receive a referral.
Just FYI - we re-did our fingerprints in March, so those are up to date, but our 171H expires in October, so we are working on getting that extended now. To keep that current, we need a home study update, and we had to re-do our physicals, DCFS licensing forms and some financial forms this week. Not sure how it works where you live, but it's something to check into in case you need to something extra for a new 171H.
Isn't all this paperwork fun???? :arrow: